Chapter 1

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A/n: Hey in this story you are going to be a daughter of Poseidon, change it if you like

You were sitting on your couch, rereading The House of Hades, a book in one of your favorite series, HoO. You wished that Leo (your fictional crush) was real. He seemed like the BEST boyfriend ever! You sighed, thinking about how much your life sucked compared to Percy Jackson's life.

You were about to finish the book, when you heard a knock at the door. Your mom wasn't home, so you thought it was her, she was always forgetting her house keys. When you opened it, there standing at the door was a Latino boy, about your age, who looked suspiciously like that cutie Leo Valdez. It took you a minute to realize that this WAS Leo Valdez, and he was real! Your sensitive fangirl heart was about to explode, when Leo spoke.

"Are you y/n l/n?" He asked. You nodded vigorously. "Well I'm here because you are a demigod, the-" You cut him off. "God's of Olympus are real, and monsters will soon show up to kill me, and you are here to take me to Camp Half Blood." You finished exitedly Leo looked surprised, but then shrugged, "Ya you better go pack, I have a feeling that something isn't right here." You ran as fast as you could into your room. You took all of the PJO and HoO books into a small backpack, your phone, and your diary. Sure it was heavy as Hades, but you didn't mind. You were going to Camp Half Blood for crying out loud!

You raced down the hallway and into your living room. There, Leo was looking at all of the family pictures hanging on your mantle. Leo looked just like he sounded in the books. He had chocolate brown eyes, brown curly hair, and wore orange suspenders with a white t shirt and his famous tool belt. Leo turned around and noticed you looking at him. He smirked, and said, "Well it looks like your ready to go, c'mon, we better get moving." And with that, you and Leo Valdez (a fictional character) was leading you to Camp Half Blood (a fictional place) but not before you left a note to your mom explaining everything. It went something like this:

Hey mom, it's y/n

Camp Half Blood is real! And right now Leo Valdez is taking me to it! I'll try to call, but if I can't, I'll be back after summer break. So don't worry, love you!

After scribbling out that note, Leo lead you to the the edge of the sidewalk. Taking out a golden drachma, he threw it into the air and said "I need transportation." At that exact moment, a taxi arrived with the words "Gray Sisters Taxi Service." You were excited, you remembered the Gray Sisters from PJO, and you were not looking forward to it very much. When you got in, sure enough,three old ladies, The Fates, were sitting in the front. They were even more grotesque than you imagined. "Sorry were not as good looking as you imagined!" The middle one said. Ok, that was creepy, they can read minds to.

"Oh everybody thinks were creepy,"

"No they don't, they only think you're creepy"

"Says the sister without the eye!"

"Give me that eye I'm supposed to be driving!"

It looked like there was about to be a huge fight, when the driver slammed on the gas.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" You screamed. It was awful, it felt like you were going at warp speed. In about 20 seconds, the car screeched to a stop. You looked over at Leo, and he didn't seem all that fazed. He looked over at you and smirked. You were clutching you heart, and taking deep breaths. You looked out the window, and saw it. Half Blood Hill.

You burst out the car door, thankful for the fresh air. You never liked confined spaces. After you felt steady again, you started walking up Half Blood Hill, Leo right behind you. You saw the Dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece, and it terrified you. But once you reached the.summit of the hill, all other thoughts were driven from your mind. Camp Half Blood was even more magnificent than you imagined. You swore that you were about to faint, your fangirl heart beating so fast it might have been faster n Hazel's horse Arion, the feels were that intense.

"Welcome to Camp Half Blood y/n." Leo said, interrupting you thoughts.

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