Chapter 2

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High school

Betty's POV
*beep* *beep* 

I tossed and turn hoping the beeping noice would go always but realize it was my alarm so I turned it off and checked the time. It was currently 7:20. School starts at 8. I stood up from my bed and began getting ready.I decided to wear blue jeans and a plain pink shirt. I put my hair up
into a tight ponytail and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning mom" I said as I took a seat 

"Good morning how did you sleep?" She said as she placed a plate of waffles and a fruit salad.

"I slept well surprisingly" We talked and ate till it was time to leave. My mom found a job at Riverdales register and today was her first day to. We both finished and cleaned up our dishes. I ran upstairs to grab my backpack and came back downstairs.

"Alright mom i'm leaving i'll see you later"

"Okay bye honey good luck"

"You to mom bye" I said and walked out the door. I stepped outside and saw Archie waving at his dad, Mr Andrews. I began walking and soon saw Archie running up to me.

"Hey Betty ready for your first day of school" He said as he caught up to me

"Hey Archie, yeah and no I'm kinda nervous tho but I think I will be fine" I said

Me and Archie made our way inside. He took me to the office to go get my schedule and my locker number. After that we made our way to my locker, luckily it was close to Archie's locker.

"Archie" a girl called out

"Hey Veronica" he said as she approached us and hugged him

"And who might this be" she said as she turned to look at me

"Oh right, Betty this is Veronica, Veronica this is Betty she's new in town"

"Oh nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, you are so pretty" I said

"Thank you you are pretty yourself to, I could tell right away we will be good friends" she said and hugged me

Soon the bell rang and we made our way to class. Sadly, I didn't have a first period with either Veronica or Archie so we ended up going our separate way. On my way to class I happened to bump into someone and ended up dropping my books. Great.

"Hey watch it" he shouted

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I said as I began picking up my stuff quickly. I soon picked up my stuff. As I stood up I made eye contact with the most handsome guy I have seen.

"No it fine just next time watch where you walk" we kept eye contact till one of his friends came over

"Yo Jones c'mon we lets go"

"Yea coming" he said breaking eye contact and walked away

I gained back my focus and soon made it to class on time. I walked in and was told to introduce myself. After introducing my self the teacher told me to take a seat next to a kid name Kevin

"Hey I'm Kevin nice to meet you"

"Hey I'm Betty"

"So Betty how are you liking Riverdale so far"

"It been pretty nice there is nice people here, and there's amazing food especially pops burger's"

"Oh yes pops has one of the best burgers and milkshakes, we should go one day"

I was about to respond till I saw that same guy I bumped into earlier walk into the room.

"Late again Mr Jones"

"So what, is not like you could do something" he said it in an annoyed tone

"Go head and take a seat" she said

He began walking to his seat and again we both made eye contact but this time with a smirked plasters on his face. Damn that smirk. He continued walking to his seat all the way at the back corner of the class with the rest of his friend group.

"Hey Kevin who are they" I questioned

"Who, Oh them their the Serpents"

"Serpents" I question

"Yea their gang members, the tall dude with the tattoo on his neck, his name is Sweet pea, the guy next to him Is Fangs, then there's Toni the girl with the pink strands of hair, and finally Jughead Jones the leader of the Serpents, I suggest you stay away from them especially from Jughead"

Well that might be quite impossible

Class soon was over and it was time for lunch. Me and Kevin made our way to the cafeteria and caught up with Veronica, and Archie. On our way there I heard someone call out my name I turned around and saw Cheryl. She ran toward me and hugged me.

"Cheryl oh my god hi I missed you so much" I said as I hugged her as well.

"Me to Betty, me to. I happy you finally decided to move to Riverdale. So how have you been? When did you arrive? How's your mom?" I laughed as she began bursting out random questions.

"Wow slow down with the questions Cheryl. Don't worry I'll tell you soon"

"Sorry is just that I'm happy your here, how about after school we go to pops and catch up, deal" Cheryl said with a bright smile on her face.

"Deal" I said

"Sorry to interrupt but how do you guys know each other?" Kevin asks with Archie and Veronica behind him, having a confused expression.

"Oh right I forgot to mention, Betty is my cousin" Cheryl said as we turned to look at their shocked faces I mean yea who would of thought Cheryl and me being cousins. Cause somehow I still don't.

"Wow who would of thought about that" Archie said as me and Cheryl laughed.

The rest of lunch I got to know them better and told them more about myself. I left the part out about my abusive father. I figured it was better if they didn't know yet. Anyway, I found out Kevin is gay, also that Archie is the captain of the football team, Veronica is part of the cheer team and Cheryl happens to be the captain of the cheer team. The rest of school passed by it was kinda boring it was just me introducing myself and getting to know my teacher's and classmates. It wasn't bad it was just boring cause I had to do this in each of my classes. Lucky in every class I had one of them so I had someone to talk to, but that also include a certain Jughead being in all my classes

Soon School came to an end. Me and Cheryl made our way to pops. I texted my mom earlier letting her know that I was going to pops with Cheryl. Just so that she won't have to worry if I'm home late.

Heya guys I know this chapter is quit long but I prefer this than it being all clumped up into one whole paragraph. But let me know if you guys are liking it so far.❤️


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