"I know why you are so desperate for this marriage Myra. I know all about your or rather your father's financial crises."

Viren said calmly leaning back in his chair.

"What?.... There is no such thing and even if it is you know I'm a super model don't need my father's company or money."

"You were a super model at one time Myra. You are 38 and no one wants you as model when there are so many much younger girls."

She gasped.


"What I am just stating the facts. And you needs your father's company and money now more than ever.

But since your father's company is on the verge of bankruptcy and your father and brother on their way to jail for God knows how many scams.

Your father needs my company to invest in it so it can survive. So they can save their asses from going to jail.

You don't even have your house with you right now. The bank sealed it right for non repayment of loans. And that is the reason you so desperately wanted to move in my house. Clever Myra very clever."

Myra sat there gaping at all the information he was throwing at her. So what if her career was almost over. She had to try something else. She cannot give up this lifestyle. And if meant marrying this handsome hunk she will do anything for it.

"If you have nothing else to say then you can leave."

Viren's voice brought her back from her train of thoughts.

"You are going to regret this." She said and stormed out.

It was almost midnight when he left office. He had lost the track of time while completing his work. He quickly send a text to Pooja that he will be there in ten minutes to pick her up.

He just hopped that stubborn girl didn't leave on her own.

When he got to the cafe she was still there waiting for him and there was another girl with her. They were chatting.

When Piya saw Viren's car she smiled. He came to where they were standing.

Again today she was hiding in the changing room when Simran saw her. She couldn't tell her the truth and lied about waiting for friend.

Thankfully Viren had messaged her and Simran being kind waited till he came.

She thanked her and Simran gave her big hug.

"That's a nice ride you have there."

"Yeah. Thanks." Viren said standing next to Piya.

"Viren this is Simran my colleague and Simran this is Viren."


"Nice to meet you."

They both said at the same time after Piya introduced them.

"Okay then bye Pooja see you tomorrow."

"You want us to drop you somewhere?"

Viren asked looking at Simran and Piya. She was her friend so he felt the need to atleast ask her.

"Thanks but may be next time."


Viren turned towards his car and Simran mouthed 'He's hot' to Piya.

She blushed.

Viren turned again to Piya since she had not moved from her place to only see her blushing and Simran was leaving waving at them grinning. It was the same look her aunt had given him.

"Come." He said pulling Piya to his car.

"You want to go home first?"
He asked as he helped her get in.

"Yes. And thanks for the lunch." she said once he got in.

"Glad you liked it."

As they reached her house they saw a police van near the neighbouring house and crowd of people gathered around.

He parked in front of her house. Viren was looking at the crowd confused.

"Don't worry it's normal." She said while getting out of the car.

"Does this happen a lot?" He questioned with a frown.

"Not a lot but sometimes."

He looked at the crowd gathered around the police van. He did not like what he was seeing. Piya noticed his look.

"Viren you really don't need to come here to drop me everyday. I can manage."

She thought he would be disgusted by her and her life style by now. She can't help feeling it. But his next words surprised her.

"And be sick with worry about you. No thanks."

"I'll be quick."

She was about to dash towards her house when he held her hand and stopped her.

"Take your time Pooja. I don't give a f**k about your neighbourhood, but I damn care about your safety….Go now. I'll wait here."

She gave him a nod and left.


Her awaited DestinyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora