Chapter 1

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"Luke wake up! You don't want to be late for your first day!"

I groaned as I got out of bed. Today was the first day back to school. It's a big day for me since it's the first day of senior year. I was excited at first but I HATE getting out of my bed. After I showered and picked out my clothes, I was ready.

"Morning loser" my brother Jack greeted me. I just rolled my eyes and playfully punched him in the arm. "Where's Mom?" I asked realizing that she was no longer in the kitchen. Jack just shrugged and picked up his bowl of cereal before going back upstairs. I walked over to the refrigerator to look for some breakfast but was quickly interrupted by my mom grabbing my shoulder.

"Good morning sweetie" she said as she embraced me in a hug. My mom is known to be a hugger. "Morning mom" I replied still a little tired. "I have a surprise for you" she said as she pulled out of our hug. I gave her a questioning look and she just chuckled and lead me to our driveway. When we got outside, I almost passed out at the sight in front of me.

"NO FREAKING WAY!" I screamed as I laid eyes on the beautiful 2014 Dodge Challenger, which happens to be my dream car. I turned back to my mom and gave her the biggest hug known to man. "Thank you so so so so much!" I exclaimed. "You're welcome sweetie. I am so proud of the young adult you've become" she said with sincerity in her voice. "Now you better get going. You don't want to be late for your first day" she said as she let me go and handed me the keys. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before I hopped in my dream car. My mom waved goodbye as I pulled out of the driveway. I can't wait to show my friends my new car!


I can't believe I'm officially a senior. I'm here at school a little early so I'm surprised the parking lot is kinda full. As soon as I park my car, I'm greeted by my friends Michael and Ashton. "Hey Cal!" Ashton says excitedly. He's obviously excited about senior year. Michael, on the other hand, is the only one who isn't as excited. He says that he doesn't see the big deal. "Where's Luke?" Michael asks. I shrug as I get my book bag out of my car. "I dunno. I'm guessing he'll be here soon."

Michael, Ashton, Luke, and I are great friends and we're almost always together. However, Luke and I are the closest. We've known each other since we were 4 and we have this bond that is pretty much unexplainable. We've always been there for each other and I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

"Let's just go get our course schedule in the meantime" Michael suggested. Ashton nodded in agreement and looked over to me. "You guys go ahead, I'm gonna wait for Luke." The boys just nodded and headed off to the office to get their schedules. After about a minute, I got a text message from Luke saying he was going to be here any minute with a surprise. I wonder what it is.

I jumped and turned around to see a beautiful 2014 Dodge Challenger in front of me. My mouth dropped as I watched Luke come out of the car. "NO FREAKING WAY" I shouted in excitement. "That's what I said!!!" Luke exclaimed sharing my excitement. I just sat there admiring the beautiful car in front of me. I was pulled out of my trance by Luke clearing his throat. I looked at him in confusion. "Dude, I haven't seen you in like 2 days. Give me a hug." I laughed at his silliness but gave him a hug anyways.

"So are you gonna tell me how you got this amazing ass car?" I asked as Luke and I start walking into the school. "My mom is freaking amazing. That's how" I nodded in understanding. I love Luke's mom. She's always been so nice to me ever since I was a kid. She treated me like another son. "Where's Mikey and Ash?" Luke asked as he looked around the hallways. I pointed to the office ahead of us. "Class schedules" I replied as I lead Luke to the office.

"Sup dudes!" Luke says greeting Ashton and Michael. Ashton and Michael give Luke a bro hug. I smile at them as I go to the front desk to pick up my schedule. Luke eventually joins me and picks up his schedule as well. Once we both got our schedules we checked to see if we had any classes together. My eyes widened when I realized that Luke and I had every single class together. I looked over to Luke to see if he realized the same thing I did and I'm guessing he did because he squealed like a teenage girl.

"What's he so excited about?" Michael asked with a hint of laughter in his voice. I was about to respond but was cut off by Luke. "Calum and I have every class together!!!" Luke exclaimed. I couldn't help but smile at how happy he was. I was thrilled as well. "This is going to be the best year ever" Luke said as he looked at me. I smiled as I put my arm around Luke's shoulder. "Yes it is" I replied.

A/N: Okay it's a bit short but it's only the first chapter lol! Please let me know what you think! Chapter 2 will be up soon!

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