Special: Top 20 (Part 4)

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Testarossa= Which he can use to mess with its target's mind make them believe things that are not real like he is on the left when in reality he is on the right. Or make them think that they are wining but in reality, they are about to be destroyed.

Velzard= This can really be quite useful. As you won't know what is happening, where he is, what is real and what is illusion.

Veldora= And it allows him to destroy his enemies with his overwhelming power and strong techniques.

Rimuru= He also has [Water and Lighting Domination].

Veldora= Which means he has absolute control over these two elements. Now that is some great firepower.

Diablo= Apart from those he has a very strong skill [World of Illusion].

Guy= Now that is a strong skill. A skill that allows for the creation of an imaginary world. Where he has control over anything and make Illusions into reality.

Souei= It just shows how strong Rimuru-sama will be in the future.

Rimuru= Thanks Souei and Great job Zegion.

Fun Fact= One of the reasons why Zegion became so powerful was because he trained with Veldora and constantly absorbed his magicules.

Zegion= So that is how I became strong by training with Veldora-sama.

Luminous= Pfft. Don't make me laugh. You only became strong from him by absorbing his magicules. This lizard himself doesn't know how to fight. And he is going to tell you how to fight.

Velzard started to become extremely angry as she almost had it with Luminous calling Veldora a Lizard. However before she could had done anything. Rimuru spoke.

Rimuru= The point is he made Zegion stronger. And for your information even though he had his human form for a few weeks. He is already one of the best fighters. So, watch when you can't even put a scratch on him.

Luminous= Whatever of course you will defend him.

Greatest Feat= Slaughtered hundreds of Elite Imperial Guards. That were able to defeat the other lords of the labyrinth.

And going almost toe to toe against Diablo.

Gabiru= Wow It isn't even written that he defeated them. It just that he slaughtered them.

Souka= If he defeated them so effortlessly that it can't even be called a battle a slaughter is a better term.

Ultima= So, anyone who was able to defeat Adalman, Apito, Kumara or other Lords just got slaughtered here.

Guy= He manages to give Noir a good fight which means next is Noir.

Diablo= I have told it is Diablo.

Guy= Whatever, did ever stop you from calling me Rouge.

Guy= Whatever, did ever stop you from calling me Rouge

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