Chapter 4

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After spending a good hour at the bartender, I was drunk just how I liked it. I was still aware of my surroundings, and if anything happened, I would be able to think sober, but I'm drunk enough to let everything go.

I found the bartender a cute guy. I knew it was partly his job to be charming and entertaining, but he was a nice company.

Finally, I was satisfied with my blood alcohol level and with my overall mood so I was excited to join the others to dance.

There were five different dance floors, Wendy told me they would be in the one on the first floor where they played music from the 2010's.

Bad Romance by Lady Gaga blasted in my ears and I lost my mind immediately. Luckily, I spotted my friends, or I don't know how to call them. They were dancing in a small circle and I quickly joined them, shaking my ass already.

Wendy and Ella grabbed my hands excitedly and started shouting the lyrics with me while we danced vehemently.

The whole club pulsed with an electrifying energy as vibrant lights cascaded across the dimly lit space. Bodies swayed in sync, carried away by the intoxicated blend of melodies and pulsating bass.

It was a place where worries melted away, where souls found solace in the rhythm and where memories were etched in the hearts of those who reveled within its exhilarating embrace.

Oh how much I missed this feeling... I should go out more often, these are the times when I'm the happiest.

Bangers after bangers, we were dancing like nobody else was in the room. Well, to be honest, I was dancing like other men were watching and I wanted to win them over. I glanced around a few times to check if I can see anybody hot, but nothing yet.

On the other hand, Alison found her guy for the night it seemed. A blonde bloke came up to her and they started dancing together, and got really close to each other right away. It wasn't too many songs until they started kissing, and left the dancefloor soon.

Roy also disappeared some time, I don't know with who or where.

Wendy also found company because one second, we were dancing, and the next she was kissing a tall long haired girl.

I started to grow tired after hours and hours passed and we continued dancing. My feet were aching a bit in my shoes and I experienced a dull ache in my waist too.

"Some cigarettes?" I shouted through the music to Andrew and Ella and they happily nodded at me in response.

I grabbed their hands so we wouldn't lose each other and only let them go when we reached the backyard.

I took in a deep breath of the cold air and enjoyed the quiet out here after the loudness inside.

"Oh my god the music is on fire tonight." Ella said while she lit her cigarette.

We nodded in approval with Andrew, tonight was phenomenal in fact.

I inhaled the smoke deeply and closed my eyes as I let it out.

"Tell me how are you fitting in your new environment, guys?" Ella smiled at both of us.

I turned to Andrew, confused. "Wait, are you new too?"

He blew out the smoke and nodded. "Yes, I've been here for only a few weeks."

"Oh wow congrats, it's nice knowing I'm not the only new here." I chuckled.

"It wasn't easy to get in indeed." He agreed. "My parents tried to convince me to wait some more and train more before I'd applied to the job. But luckily I got chosen." He sighed from relief.

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