"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜
"You're not going to school today?" Newt's Dad, named Russo , asked, swaying the beer bottle in his hand side by side.
Newt stopped and looked at the bottle moving.
Left to right.
He snapped out of it, groaning as he tried to find an excuse from the back of his head, "Solace's sick."
"Is she?" Hans motioned at Solace, who was sitting on the rug next to the coffee table in the center. She was rolling on her belly side by side, giggling loudly.
Newt sighed, "I just don't feel like it."
"This is the last time, this semester I'm allowing you to take a day off." Hans said, his voice serious all of a sudden, "your education matters a lot."
Newt gave a small nod. He walked over to Solace and grabbed her by under her arms then placed her on his chest, "I'm gonna get her some supplies."
Solace reached over to Newt's nose and dragged it, hard, she wasn't giggling, she looked mad as she cried.
"Is she hungry?" Newt asked Hans, trying to cradle Solace who was kicking his chest with her small feet.
"I fed her." Hans replied, pointing at an empty bowl.
Newt closed his eyes and groaned, "oh my days."
¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜
After he had changed Solace, Newt had let her have her nap time. She was surrounded by Hello Kitty and Sanrio plushies.
Newt was casually picking out some clothes for their daily stroll, which they'd do when Solace woke up.
Someone threw a rock that bounced back from his window. Newt laid the clothes he had been sorting out aside and moved towards the window.
He opened it and cautiously peeked down from it.
"I've been throwing rocks for ages!" Natasha complained. She was arrayed in a oversized white t-shirt that had a huge cyberpunk logo displayed on it.
She wasn't wearing anything to cover her legs and feet.
"Damn, are you okay?"
Natasha turned to look away, "can we talk inside? It's freezing!"
Newt nodded, he closed the window slowly, avoiding to wake Solace up, rushed to the bedroom door, opened it and hurried downstairs.
He headed to the front door and opened it.
Natasha was eagerly waiting and when the door swung open she didn't hesitate to step in.