“I know him.”

 Alby grabbed her by her shirt, his eyes full of fear “What?”

 “I know him. You know when I saw him. The Changing. I’m not risking speaking about it again. But I do, I swear, I know him.”
  “You had better not be shucking with me, Pasty. If this is a joke, it ain’t funny.”

 “Can’t you take me seriously for once!” I growled, shoving him in the chest, so he stumbled slightly “I’m telling the truth. And I saw him, I saw him in a dream…”

 Someone wolf whistled, and she turned to glare at them.

 “Whichever klunk head did that can get lost right now! This is serious.” Pasty turned back to look at Thomas, who looked positively terrified.

 “You play a big part in everything now. I just don’t know how yet.”

 Alby sighed, rubbing his eyes and crumpling his forehead as though in pain. “Man, Pasty. I sometimes wonder if you are more trouble than you are worth.”

 Pasty grinned at Thomas “Yeah, whatever. Just to see if my theory is right, your name is Thomas, isn’t it?”

 “Yes…but how do you know that,” he asked.

 “Well, she can’t have heard you say it, because she only just got here. Can you remember anything else? Without risking hurting yourself…you know what I mean.”

 Pasty closed her eyes and massaged my head. This often helped her to remember the white rooms, but she had little memory of what happened when the pain started, so she only had half the memories to work on. Her eyes snapped open.

 “Teresa,” she said to Thomas. He looked at me in a puzzled way.

 “Who is Teresa? Does she live here too?” Thomas asked. Pasty sighed.

 “Don’t give up, Pasty,” Newt said “What you know might have some significance in the future. Besides, what shank here has ever known more than their name when they got here?”

 Alby nodded slowly in agreement, “I think you’re on to something there, Newt. But I want to call a Gathering right now. Wait for the tour tomorrow, Thomas.”

 “Find Chuck. He’ll take care of ya,” Newt told Thomas sympathetically, patting Thomas’ broad shoulder.

 “Back to work, you lazy bunch of shanks! Show’s over.”

 Newt, Alby and the other council members began to make their way to Homestead, but Alby turned back to face Pasty.

 “We can’t start til Minho gets back. Would you mind waiting for him, Pasty?”

 “Course not. See ya in a bit,” she replied. She decided it would be a good chance to speak to Thomas, who was now heading off in the direction of Frypan’s kitchen.

Pasty's story [The Maze Runner]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora