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Simon sat by Grace's bed. He was worried about her. She hadn't woken yet. But she was stable for now. She had survived so far. He didn't know what had happened. How an active shooter had managed to get into the school.

Simon knew that the governors were going to want answers. And he was going to have to somehow talk to Max about it. And they were going to have to figure out how to explain what had happened.

Pupils had been hurt too. Parents were angry. They wanted answers. Answers Simon didn't have. He knew that they were going to be angry.

Simon was too. He didn't know why someone would come into a school and shoot innocent people. He knew that there was more going on then what met the eye.

Simon knew that he needed to talk to Max. He needed to find out what he knew.

It was a complete and utter mess. Something he didn't know if Waterloo Road could recover from. Especially as quite a few people had been hurt.

Simon's main concern was Grace. And making sure she was okay. He was thankful she had survived. He just needed her to wake up. To tell him what she could remember.

It was all going wrong. And he needed to make it right.

Simon looked up as Maggie walked in. She sat down. "How's she doing?" She asked as she took hold of her hand.

Simon sighed. "She's stable for now. The doctors are worried about brain activity. They want to try and bring her out of the coma tonight."

Maggie nodded. She looked to him. "You need to go and get some rest. You've been here more than me,"she said.

"I can't leave her. I'm scared," Simon admitted as he looked to the mother of the woman he loved.

Maggie smiled. "I'll be here. You go and get some rest. Take things easy. Anything changes, I'll let you know," she told him.

Reluctantly, Simon nodded. He grabbed his coat and left.

Instead of going home, Simon drove over to Max's. He needed to know if he knew how it had happened. He got there and Max let him in. "How's Grace?" Max asked.

"Still alive. She's stable. But they're worried. Esmè?"

"Asleep in my bed. She hasn't slept since it happened. She's worried about Grace. Scared she won't wake up. The doctor gave her a sleeping medication."

Simon sighed. He looked to him. "How did this happen? How did someone walk into the school and just start shooting?" He asked.

Max shrugged. "I want answers myself. I'm going over CCTV footage myself. We need Grace to wake up. So she can tell us what happened. If she recognised him. Or her."

"I just need her to wake up in general. She's the love of my life. And if I lose her, I don't know what id do," Simon said.

"She'll pull through. She's strong."

Simon nodded. Hoping max was right.

Simon returned to the hospital after getting a few hours of sleep. Maggie was there. She smiled. "Hey. Did you get some sleep?" She asked.

"Has there been any change?"

Maggie shook her head. But was Grace going to wake up? Or had they already lost her?

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