Chapter 1

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When the principal of the best hero school came to my agency and offered me a job, I accepted it without hesitation. I could finally put my quirk and knowledge to good use. The paperwork was finished and I was on my way to Musutafu.

It was the day before the first day that students would be filling the halls, I was in the infirmary, taking inventory. Being a Recovery Girls assistant is cool, I also teach rescue lessons once a week.

The door behind me opened, the tap of a cane told me that it was the nurse. "Oh, I would have taken inventory, Deary."

"Well I took inventory in my station and I thought I might as well take inventory for your side as well."

"Aren't you a sweetheart? I feel like this year I really will need an assistant." She said as she took her seat at her desk.

"Especially if that one student keeps hurting himself. You think that maybe he's just not used to his quirk?" I guessed as I handed her the clipboard.

"Maybe, but let us just make sure that we have the supplies to heal him." She suggested.

"Yes ma'am." I agreed. "Oh speaking of students, I need to make sure my lesson plan is in order. I'm going to the teachers' lounge real quick."

"I'll be here." I waved goodbye and made my way to the teachers' lounge. I looked out the window and took in the fresh breath of air. Being stuck in a room really messes with your mind. I reached out to touch the tree that was next to the building. A wave of energy filled my hands as the branch grew and wrapped around my arm. It was as if the trees were saying 'hi'.

"Well if it isn't the new staff member at UA." I looked to the side to see Nezu standing around the corner.

"Oh Principle Nezu. Getting ready for the new year?" I asked as he walked up to me. I let go of the tree and bent down to his level.

"I think I should be asking you that. Is everything ready in the nurse's office?"

"Yup, ready to take care of anyone as soon as they walk in."

"And what about the rescue lessons? Are you excited to teach?"

"Very. I'm used to mountain and nature rescue lessons back home. But to know I'll be teaching future heroes about it. It's such a dream." I exclaimed. "I was actually on my way to the teachers' lounge to make sure I had covered everything."

"Have you met the teachers yet?"

"The only ones I've met are Midnight and Present Mic. I knew Present Mic in high school so it's nice to see a familiar face." I joked.

"I believe the teachers are there. Come, this way." He began to lead the way and I soon followed. "So then I can guess that you were a student here as well." He asked.

"I was."

"Well, why didn't you become a big hero like the others?"

"Well, I was never one for the spotlight. I'd rather be a hero that works in a small town where real help is needed. You'd be surprised how many natural disasters happen up in the mountains."

"So then you opted to be the small-town hero? That's all?"

"Well, My parents were small-town rescuers themselves. I guess it's in my genes." We both slightly laughed as we stopped in front of a door. The door opened and we walked right in.

"Well if it isn't Miss Harumi Anko. It's been a while!" Present Mic said loudly.

"It's been a week." I pointed with a hand on my hip.

"Well when you have a party life like mine, it feels like a year!"

"You're still the same as you were in high school," I said as I walked over to my station. A bulk man with white hair and fangs sat next to me. He was dressed in his hero costume.

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