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Yn POV - When I woke up mom tell me u are going on date. But.... I just don't want to go but I didn't have a choice. Lia was right. Ahh

This is the dress, i choose

Yaaa! No matter how nice the dress is, my choice is like this

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Yaaa! No matter how nice the dress is, my choice is like this.

In the cafe

Yn - mom dad You said that this is a date, so why have you guys come here?

Yn mom - ahh! shut up we want to talk to you two together

Yn dad - yes just chill

Yn - What do you want to talk about, if something is wrong, then you guys will see.

Yn mom - no its about your marriage.

Yn - what ? iu serious.

Yn dad - Shut up, look at Taehyung, you don't say anything, we spoke before.

Yn - Why? if I feel that your words are right then it is okay and if not then I will speak and you will have to listen.

Yn mom - just stop fighting

Taehyung- hyy

Yn mom dad - hyy son

Taehyung - ahh ! *with small smile* so you had something to talk about

Yn mom - about you and yn marriage. We were thinking that your marriage should be done quickly and that means on time.

Taehyung - I don't have any problem but ask yn also what does she say.

Yn - today he thinking about me , that day he didn't care about me This is becoming good in front of my parents * in mind *😡
Ahh 🤨 mom dad you speak next I am listening then I said something.

Yn mom - hmm so taehyung Shall we start preparing for your and yn wedding

Taehyung - ya of course.

Yn- ahhhh one second.

Yn dad - now what happened?

Yn - i just don't want a trouble.

Ynmom - what's wrong with it, its not a trouble .

Yn - If I am ready for this marriage on the advice of you people, then I also have a condition that I do not have any party and whatever happens, I want to have a court marriage.

Yn mom dad - ahh bu

Taehyung - fine as your wish

Yn mom dad - taehyung

Taehyung - its ok

Yn - hmm

*next day*

Sorry for short part but I'm busy now days I'll promise you to give you big parts later ok
Loveee you gyus

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