Ch- 4

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This chapter is dedicated to Aishwarya_Reads

Two weeks later, the freshers day was conducted. All the first years were overjoyed and were eager to celebrate and have fun on the day.

Anu woke up from her slumber as thr alarm blared. She lazily got up and freshened herself and finished her morning routine, etc.

She rummaged through her cupboard and searched for an outfit for the day.  Anu daily wears a kurthi and so. As today is the freshers day, she chose to wear something different. So she chose a skin fit black jeans and a black turtleneck shirt. She wore her black combat boots and sprayed Gucci perfume. Anu applied moisturizer on her face and applied lip balm and eyeliner.

She took her bag and phone and walked out of her dorm towards the college campus

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She took her bag and phone and walked out of her dorm towards the college campus. As she was walking everyone stared at her in awe and some in jealousy. 

Anu called her friend Ammu and asked about her whereabouts. And she told that they were waiting for her near the auditorium. Anu quickly walked to the place.

Ammu and Sivu were also wearing jeans and t-shirts. They hified eachother and then entered the hall.

The girls settled in the top corner of the hall. All their classmates were in the last aswell as the seniors. Anu did not notice but a pair of hawk eyes were staring at her with so much emotions.

Soon the program started, with the principal and the staff speaking about blah blah blah and the students yawning and talking among themselves.

After an hour of talking , the real show started. Singing and dancing and etc. 

Anu was know to be a shy introvert by everyone. But the girl was full of surprises.

Ammu and Sivu were dancing in the back as Anu was sitting quietly.

Senior Adhi was also seeing that everyone around her were dancing and she was sitting quietly. He smiled seeing her innocent stature and he continued dancing with his friends.

Ammu and Sivu tried to make Anu dance and the girl got up.

She grinned at the two girls and they smirked. She stretched her hands and started shaking according to the beat. Her classmates gasped seeing their silent bird dancing and the cheered for her and they danced aswell.  


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(I got this funny gif, please adjust guys, because video podamudila)

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(I got this funny gif, please adjust guys, because video podamudila)

Adhi's friends noticed the scene and they patted Adhi's shoulder so he could see aswell.

Adhi: ena da aachi.(what happened man?).

Find 1: dey anga paaru un aalu panra alaparaya. ( hey, look at your girl, see what she's doing)

Saying he turned Adhi's face to the direction. Adhi's jaw dropped seeing his Chittu kuruvi dancing like a crazy monkey along with her friends.  He was stunned and had no words.

As Anu was dancing she felt like someone was staring at her. She was looking around and she saw him. He was staring at her with devil eyes.

Adhi did not like what Anu did. Of course he was happy that she's mingled with everyone, but the way the boys were staring at her made him get angry.

Anu slowly stopped dancing and stared at Adhi who looked at her with a blank face. He signalled her with his eyes to walk out of the auditorium. Anu slowly nodded and excused herself form there, saying to her friends that she's going to the washroom.

Her friends nodded and continued dancing.

Anu slowly came out and looked to see the corridor empty as everyone were inside. Suddenly she felt someone's hand on her shoulder and she screamed in fear.

Turns out it was Adhi. Anu kept her hands on her chest as her heart was beating fast.

Adhi grabbed her wrist and tugged her towards the empty classroom and pushed her in.

Adhi locked the door and neared Anu who backed away from him. Seeing his angry eyes Anu was scared. His anger cannot be controlled so easily and she she feared of what Adhi would do to her.

Adhi pinned her to the wall and held her hands above her head with one hand and his other snaked around her waist.

He pulled her closer to him as their lower body pressed against eachother.

Anu slightly moaned at the feeling. Hearing her moan, Adhi's eyes darkened. He leaned towards her neck and bit her slowly making hickeys.

Anu wiggled in pain and tried to escape his hold. But Adhi's hold was tight and never budged. Adhi's hand was on her waist and he slowly pulled out the shirt that was tucked in her pants and pinched her bare waist as Anu wiggled around.

Adhi leaned back and whispered to her in his baritone voice.

"Let's start your punishment,shall we?"

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