Chapter 17

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Rain's POV

           It's been awhile since the event and Sky hasn't been around much. I've been thinking about why it seems like he's been avoiding me lately. Have I done something wrong?
         "Sky! Let's go on a date. It's been awhile!" I tried reasoning with him but he just shook his head.
       "I'm sorry, babe. I can't. I have to be somewhere soon." He said as he had started packing up his things as he had just exited out of the classroom not even saying bye or I love you or even a kiss on the cheek.
       I started to feel sad as I had no idea what to do. I can't call up Prapai or Phayu as they're in China right now on they're little vacation away.
        "I wish I was on the beach with Sky." I had thought to myself as I didn't realize how much I was lost in my thoughts as I soon was pulled away from them as I felt a hand on my shoulder.
           "Are you going to stay here? Or you wanna come to a party?" I heard Sig from the side as I had thought that maybe I could use this as a chance to cheer up a bit. I'm not really a good drinker, but who says that I have to drink?

Sky's POV

          I was busy working at my part time job, as I was trying to save up enough money so that I could buy a ring that Rain could be proud of tho, it wasn't long into my shift when I had gotten a call.
         "Excuse me," I said as I stepped away picking up my phone.
            "Sky, you should come and get Rain." I was a bit confused.
            "Why? What's wrong? I'm kind of busy at the moment."
           "He looked a bit depressed in class today and I had invited him to a party. He said that he wasn't going to drink but he actually overdid it a bit and now…."
          "I don't need anyone…I have myself…" I heard in the background of the phone followed by a laugh as I had just sighed.
        "Sig, you know Rain can't drink. Why did you let him drink?"
        "I didn't, I tried to stop him but he just kept going." I shook my head.
        "Okay, just watch him for me. I'll be there in a bit." I said as I had hung up as I had walked to my boss.
       "I know this is sudden, but I really have an emergency. I need to go." I said as politely as I could as my boss just nodded.
        "Just this once. But don't make it a habit." He said as I had thanked him and bowed as I had gotten my things and ran off to take a taxi to the location that Sig had texted me.

         I had got there as I had made my way through the crowd until I had spotted Rain and just some stranger all over him. I could feel my blood boil as I had made my way over to them as I had pushed the person away and pulled Rain closer to me.
        "Excuse me, but he's my boyfriend and I'll be taking him home now." I said as I was about to turn to walk away with Rain, to being pushed away from Rain.
          "What boyfriend? My boyfriend doesn't like me anymore. He's never around and we never go on dates anymore. Does he not love me anymore?" He said while stumbling as I had kept a hand near to keep him from falling.
         "Babe, I can explain. Just please, let's go home." I said as he had just pushed my hand away again when I had tried grabbing his hand.
        "Looks like he doesn't want to leave." The guy said as he threw his arm around Rain. I started to feel more heated as I had pushed the guy's arm off of Rain, grabbing Rain and pulling him close to me as Rain had laid his head on my shoulder as he was totally out of it.
        "Well he is, and he's coming home with me. Keep your dirty hands off my man. He's mine." I said as I had turned with my back facing Rain, picking him up piggy back style, turning to grab his backpack and his car keys as I had walked away, taking Rain home to my dorm in his car.

          Getting to the dorm, I struggled a bit getting Rain to my room, but finally managed to get him in and on the bed as I had sat on the bed next to him.
         "I'm sorry, babe." I said as I had got up to go get a rag and a bowl of water to help Rain wash up a bit before letting him go to bed.
        Sitting the bowl on the nightstand by the bed as I had wet the rag and rung out the water I had turned to Rain to try and help him as I had lifted the hem of his shirt to clean him off he had started to make some moaning noises.
         "Not now, Rain." I said as he had noticed that Rain was getting a bit too hot so I had leaned him up a bit just enough to take off his shirt to help clean him up more but he just moaned again.
         I could feel myself soon starting to get a bit aroused as I had leaned in to kiss him but stopped midway.
        "No, Sky. What the hell are you doing? You know he's totally out of it." I shocked my head as I had gotten up from the bed but to be pulled back down again as Rain had his arms wrapped around my neck.
         "Sky .."he said as it was a bit of a moan and whine as I had tried pulling away but he just wouldn't let go.
        "I miss you, Sky…" he soon had tears in his eyes as my heart broke in two.
        My mind was suddenly off of being aroused as I had positioned myself to lay next to him, picking up his head to put on my arm as he then just cuddled into me.
       "I'm really sorry babe. I didn't mean for you to feel so lonely. I just wanted to earn enough money, for a surprise for you." I said as I leaned down kissing his forehead.
       "Get some sleep. I love you, Rain." I said as I had wrapped another arm around him pulling him closer as I soon drifted off to sleep.

Rain's POV

           I had stirred in my sleep as I had woken up and sat up in bed holding my head as it was throbbing. I had soon finally opened my eyes to see that I was at Sky's dorm instead of at home.
        "How'd I get here?" I said to myself as I heard someone by the door.
         "I brought you home, because I got a call from Sig that you were slap drunk." He said with his arms crossed by the door as he then walked over to the bed sitting down as he fiddled with my hair a bit before slapping my forehead.
         "Ouch!" I winced in pain as I had lifted my head to rub it.
          "What was that for?" I asked confused as my head was still throbbing from the hangover.
          "For getting shit faced drunk and letting another man put his filthy hands on you." He stood up from the bed grabbing my hand pulling me up from the bed.
        "Come, let's clean that filth off of you then we can go eat." He said as he walked me to the bathroom as he walked in with me shutting the door behind him.
         "W..wait Sky, what are you doing? I can shower myself." I said as he shook his head as he walked over to the shower turning it on.
         "No, I'm going to help you wash up so that I know that you're clean." He said turning towards me, taking off the rest of the clothes that I had on off.
           "Sky, hold up. I'm confused. What do you mean that some guy had his hand all over me?" I asked because I was literally confused.
         "I came to pick you up, and some guy had his filthy dirty hands on you. I had came over to you and tried to get him to go away but you kept pushing me away. I was so mad that I pushed him away, told him that you were mine and dragged you away." He said as it seemed like his face was all read from being jealous as I had smiled and threw my arms around him.
          "You do still love me!" I said as he lifted his hands slightly pushing me away looking at me confused.
           "What do you mean that I still love you? I've never stopped loving you."
          "Then why haven't you spent much time with me lately? I felt like you didn't love me anymore." I had lowered my head for him to grab my face lifting to make me look at him.
         "Babe, don't ever think that I don't love you. I've just been busy with a few things that's required for our trip in a few months from now. Remember that I promised that we can go when we have vacation again?" He said as tears formed in my eyes nodding my head as I pulled him into a hug again.
          "I'm sorry, Sky! I'm sorry that I misunderstood you!" I said as he just caressed my head a bit, pulling me away as he lifted his hands to wipe the tears from my face.
         "It's okay, baby. I probably should have told you." I had just nodded a bit.
          "Come, let me help you shower and get cleaned up." He said as he was going to help me in the shower but I had stopped and turned towards him.
              "Shower with me!" I said all happily as he just chuckled as he had quickly got undressed as I had threw my arms around his neck kissing him as we made our way to the shower as we made love before finishing our shower.

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