"I will need to find work. That is why I started attending the teaching house, to teach me some skills that can be used for work here in Kings Landing. I do not have any plans yet. I am not allowed to do much yet, since they only consider me a girl."

"Would you like to work for me?" Anari looked stunned, which made Deirys smile once more "I can offer you a position as my maid, at least for now. Once I have more power I would like you to become my lady in waiting, my companion. I believe we can achieve great things together."

"Princess, I..." Anari appeared to be shocked that Deirys had made her that kind of offer. Deirys could not blame her. After all, the poor girl had been abandoned by her own father. "It will be an honor to serve you, your grace."

"Thank you, I am happy you have decided to accept my proposition." Now for the hard part. "But before you fully agree, there is something I need you to see."

Deirys walked to the chamber door and opened it. She gestured for Ser Erryk to come inside the room and made sure Ser Luthor kept his position guarding the door. She closed the door once more and then turned to the knight, looking him in the eye.

"Ser Erryk, you have protected me since before I can remember. You have always been there for me, which is why I need to know something." The knight stood straight but did not say anything. "Can I trust you?"

"Of course, princess. I would give my life for you."

"That is not what I meant." She was well aware he would die for her, but that was not what she needed in this case. "I need something done, without my parents or anyone else finding out. I need to make sure that if I trust you with this, you will not betray me."

"You have my word princess." The knight bowed. "Whatever you need shall be done without anyone finding out."

"I'm thankful for your loyalty." Deirys gestured to Anari. "You will take two men of your absolute trust and accompany Lady Anari, she will guide you where you need to go. She will point out two people for you and I want them brought to the outside of the largest cave on Blackwater Bay. You will also bring with you all the eggs in the dragon pit. Wait for me there, I will meet you within two hours. No one must find out you were the one that took these people."

"It shall be done as you wish, your grace." Ser Erryk walked out with Anari.

Once they were gone Deirys closed and barred the door. She opened the balcony doors to make sure the air would flow and walked to the trunk at the foot of her bed. She took one of the dragon glass candles that had been gifted to her. Deirys set the candle close to the fireplace and grabbed the small knife sitting on the table. She made a tiny cut in the palm of her hand and let fourteen drops of blood fall onto the candle.

"I call on the sacred flame, on the fourteen of Valyria, I call upon you to bring me to a new beginning, I call upon you to help my life transition, I call upon you to help me open doorways, I call upon you to help me end my conflicts. I call upon Shrykos."

The candle lit up, the flame on it shooting high and shining red. There was a gust of wind and then Shrykos was standing in front of her. The Goddess did not look too upset, but she also was not happy. Shrykos glanced around the room before looking back at her.

"When I gifted you the candles and the knowledge to call upon the Gods, I did not think you would use it so quickly."

"I apologize, but I need your help." there was no way she could just do nothing. She had to find out what was happening. "Is what I believe true? Are they poisoning the dragon eggs? Are they killing them before they are even born?"

"Yes, there are enemies conspiring against your family." The Goddess did not seem surprised by what was happening. "They want your family and dragons dead."

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