The Only Way To Resolve a Cliffhanger - Kladora/Dunclet

Start from the beginning

"Make it fast! This road won't stay straight forever." said Klaus worriedly as he jammed the wheel with the paddle. "I think I've got it. I just need to apply more friction." he said hopefully, letting out a small chuckle before the wheel tore the bottom half of the paddle to shreds. "How's it going?" asked Violet as she continued making the drag chute. "Not great." said Klaus bluntly. "That's okay. You bought me time to make this." she said as she kicked the caravan door open and deployed the drag chute, which attached itself to a dead tree just as the caravan started to go over the edge of the mountain. Klaus and Violet each heaved deep sighs of relief before they quickly started to climb out of the caravan before it could fall. However, the dead tree started to bend and tear a hole in the drag chute, which made the caravan start to creak and groan under the pressure of the extra weight.

Suddenly, right as Violet and Klaus had gotten out of the caravan and were about to reach the edge of the mountain, the drag chute ripped in half, which made them slip and begin to fall towards the bottom of the mountain and made them have flashbacks, a phrase which here means "a scene set in an earlier time period during their series of unfortunate events", to when they were pushed down the ersatz elevator shaft at 667 Dark Avenue by Esme Squalor during their stay with her and her ex-husband, Jerome. But unlike the last time they fell from a great height, they knew that this time there wasn't gonna be a large safety net to catch them.

However, instead of screaming in fear, the two Baudelaires just simply closed their eyes and looked back on all their happy memories with Sunny and their dear triplet friends, Isadora and Duncan Quagmire and how they wished they could've reunited with their friends who were currently somewhere up in the air in a Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home so that way Violet could confess her feelings to Duncan and so Klaus could return the kiss Isadora had given him at Prufrock Prep the night her and Duncan were captured by Count Olaf's troupe. But knowing that was never gonna happen, they just sighed deeply and waited to hear the sound of their heads hitting the ground.

But they never did. For after almost five minutes of falling, Klaus and Violet were a little surprised when they still hadn't reached the bottom of the mountain and Klaus opened his eyes, only to remember his glasses had fallen off and was squinting up at the sky, which seemed to have turned a light minty green color. "Um, Violet, why is the sky green? Am I hallucinating?" asked Klaus as he felt around for his glasses. Violet tapped him on his shoulder and handed him his glasses. "No, Klaus, you're not hallucinating. I see them too." said Violet in a hushed stage-whisper as she and Klaus stood up and came face-to-face with two people they never thought they'd see again.

"Violet? Duncan? Klaus? Isadora?"

Within a minute, the four friends had embraced each other in hugs and Violet and Duncan had begun kissing themselves senseless, not even caring that their siblings were watching them. Meanwhile, Klaus just held Isadora close to him like she was a fragile glass porcelain doll that would break if he didn't hold her. "I missed you terribly, Isadora." whispered Klaus as he let a few happy tears fell down his face. "Not as much as I missed you. I haven't been able to come up with a single good couplet idea since we said goodbye." said Isadora as she hugged him tightly. "What are you guys doing here?" asked Violet curiously once she and Duncan had stopped kissing each other so they could come up for air.

"Oh well, we were flying way up higher, almost close towards the very top of the mountain, when these giant eagles came out of nowhere and tore up some of our balloons and so, we decided to fly down lower closer towards the ground to avoid another eagle attack. We didn't even know you guys were here. And more importantly, why were you guys falling down the side of the mountain?" asked Hector in concern as he pulled each of them in for a hug, since he'd missed the Baudelaires almost as much as Duncan and Isadora did.

And so, with a heavy sigh, Klaus and Violet took turns telling their friends what had happened to them since they'd been separated at the Village of Fowl Devotees. About how they'd ended up at Heimlich Hospital and how Olaf almost had Klaus cut off Violet's head and how he'd set fire to the hospital. And how they had to hitch a ride in the trunk of Olaf's car to Caligari Carnival and then ran into Olivia Caliban, the librarian from Prufrock Prep, in disguise as Madame Lulu, a fortune-teller, and how they and Sunny disguised themselves as Beverly and Elliot, the two-headed freak and Chabo the Wolf Baby, and how Olaf decided to push one of the freaks into a pit of starving lions, only for Olivia to meet that fate and how he had them set fire to the whole carnival before he revealed that he knew who they were and that they needed to get a move on so they could rescue Sunny, which brings us back to where we are now.

Needless to say, Duncan, Isadora and Hector were all shocked at the story they'd just heard. They all loved Sunny very much and were determined to help rescue her. Knowing that they had to go with them, Duncan and Isadora turned around to ask Hector if they could help them, but he just chuckled softly. "Kids, you guys are really wonderful and amazing people. But I could also tell that you guys missed your friends terribly. So, if you want to go help rescue Sunny from Olaf's clutches, I won't stop you. I'll be fine up in the air by myself." he said softly as he hugged both the Baudelaires and Quagmires goodbye. "Thank you, Hector. And we just want you to know, that despite your dizziness spells, you really were one of our favorite guardians." said Violet happily as she and the others climbed out of the Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home and waved goodbye to Hector before they began their trek up the mountain.

"Can you remember anything from the map that you guys had?" asked Isadora curiously as she held Klaus' hand, a blush creeping up on both of their faces. "Sadly, no. I didn't get a chance to look at it very long, but this is the only road through the mountains. If we follow it, it should lead us straight to Count Olaf." answered Klaus, willing his face back to its normal shade. "And Sunny." remarked Violet as she took Duncan's hand in her own. "And Sunny. It's our fault she's gone." said Klaus sadly. "No, it's not, Klaus. We're gonna get her back. I promise." said Isadora as she pulled him in for another hug to comfort him before they continued walking.

"And besides, Count Olaf needs at least one of us alive to get our fortune, remember? So as long as he thinks we're dead, Sunny is safe." she said, trying her best to look on the bright side, a phrase which here means "trying to be optimistic or cheerful in spite of difficulties". "She won't be safe until we're together again." said Klaus seriously, hoping that Sunny wasn't in too much danger right now. "Then we'd better keep walking." said Duncan as he brushed some of his hair, which was now considerably longer, out of his face so he could see where he was going. "Sunny must be so scared right now. I know I would be if this happened to me." said Isadora, feeling a chill go up her spine. "Well, you don't need to worry, Izzie. She might look like a helpless toddler, but she's a fighter." said Violet determinedly. "And a biter." remarked Klaus, flashing a smile at the beautiful poet. They both knew they needed to find Sunny and save her from Olaf. And with the Quagmires by their sides, their mission didn't seem so impossible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope y'all enjoyed this one-shot!!!! So, I recently started re-watching ASOUE on Netflix and I fell back in love with Kladora and Dunclet and decided to write my own book about them. And, now whether you like it or not, I'm also gonna throw a bit of Quiglet in here as well, just to kinda sweeten the pot a little bit. The next one-shot should be up soon but in the meantime, remember that the world is quiet here and that's not how the story goes.

Ciao 4 now, besties!!!!! <3<3<3<3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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