Chapter 13 : Sleepless Night

Start from the beginning

"Just watch." Replied Launce.

She did as she was told but she couldn't see anything significant. It was the uncut footage outside the faculty office. They have been watching for several times but didn't find anything that could help the case. She was already tired on staring at the grass and pavement in front of the office. When the footage ended, Nhissie sighed and looked at Launce.

"We've been watching that for the hundredth time, Launce."

"No, just focus." Her partner replied without taking his eyes off of the screen.

Nhissie sighed and look at it again. After a while, the screen went black indicating that it was already the end of the footage or so she thought because after ten seconds of the screen being all black, another set of footage begun playing again. It was the same pavement and grasses in front of the office except that now, a man wearing a black hoodie and black ballcap was seen entering the office. He stayed there for fifteen minutes before departing and then Miss Jinx followed. Everything was quiet then the next scene was her and JeMair walking towards the faculty office.

Nhissie couldn't believe what she just saw. "We thought it's the end of the video but it turned out t was just a way to hide another footage. How clever." She stated.

"Does this mean that the mysterious sender could have done it?" Launce furrowed his brows.

Nhissie shook her head. "He left first before Miss Jinx came in. But that explained why the note was on my shoe."

"You think that mysterious sender knew something?" Launce asked.


"But how are we going to identify this person? He's using his left hand to write the notes, it's impossible to trace."

"But now I confirmed something for sure." Nhissie stood up and walked towards the glass board where the informations are written and pasted.

"What did you confirm?"

"The mysterious sender goes to my school."

Launce eyes widened. "What?"

"We've reviewed all footage 'til the end and there's nothing like this one with a hidden footage. We didn't see him exit the school despite acquiring all footage of all the exits. That means, he either went inside one of the classrooms or the washrooms. Either way, I'm sure that he's a student in Reid Monte High School."

"Woah! You're really amazing." Launce covered his mouth in amazement.

"Now, all we have to do is observe, no, all I have to do is observe. Now matter how much he tries to fit in, I'll do everything to recognize him." Nhissie said in her determined voice.

Launce nodded. "I know you will, partner. I trust you and you detective skills. Now, go and get some rest. You still have to go to school tomorrow." He then escorted her towards her room.

Upon garnering a little information, Nhissie felt a little relieved. Her tired body finally drifted off to sleep after closing her eyes. She didn't sleep for long as her alarm went off at five in the morning. She only slept for two hours but her body is already thankful for that little amount. Upon getting up and leaving her room, her nose was greeted by the smell of pancake and coffee. It's been a while since she lasted tasted Launce's cooking. Nhissie smiled and took a deep breath inhaling the sweet aroma that's filling the whole house.

"Good morning, partner." Launce usually cheery voice greeted her.

"Morning. You cooked?" She asked.

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