Chapter Change

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"Goodness. Nigredo, I am so sorry." Shutting the door behind him, Nigredo joined his brother on the couch, acknowledging the apology with a nod.

"I take it you didn't expect that to take so long?" He raised one eyebrow, watching Albedo wipe his forehead with the back of his hand. He laughed bitterly.

"I suppose it's simply what comes with someone as rigorous as Jean... at least the two of you have your citizenships now."

Nigredo smiled, recalling the long conversation with Jean, one of Mondstadt City's higher-ups. It had resulted in official citizenship for him and Rubedo, the Whopperflower he'd adopted. It had been a long time coming, but being able to live in human society beside his brother was like a dream come true. After countless years spent surviving alone, looking in from the outside, it almost seemed impossible that he was able to live without worrying so much. Back then, he'd accepted what he thought was his fate- to forever be alone, an isolated ghost on a frozen mountain until the cold eventually got to him. He'd never expected Albedo, who he'd thought was his nemesis, his replacement, to offer the prospect of bringing him into the city he called home- to offer him a way towards acceptance. Heck, after what Nigredo hat tried to do to him in jealousy, he was surprised Albedo had forgiven him at all. It doesn't seem real.

And yet it was; they'd had several conversations with the city's higher-ups (which he was surprised to find out his brother was one of) about allowing him and Rubedo to live in the city, and they'd finally- finally- been granted proper citizenship. Now, of course, they were living with Albedo's aunt Alice, who was supposedly a friend of their creator and their surrogate "mother". Although Nigredo wasn't really sure what those family words meant, she was certainly nice. She definitely made Nigredo feel... wanted. Although her enthusiasm could be a little too much sometimes. Truthfully, she was a lot easier to like than the heartless woman Albedo called a master.

He was jolted out of his thoughts by Rubedo climbing in his lap and pulling on his pale, long hair. Nigredo chuckled, pulling the human-shaped Fellflower closer for a hug- he'd only known the Whopperflower for a year or two, but Rubedo was very, very trusting. Often acting similar to a real human child (did he model off of Joel?) Rubedo loved physical contact, especially when he was sad. Though his elflike ears (he must have modelled off Klee, that was a recent change) and scarlet, goatlike eyes tended to scare people, Rubedo was as innocent as a lamb. when in human form, he could always be tracked down by the sound of the lantern-like objects hanging from his braids clinking together with a sound like bells when he walked. They usually hung from the three large leaves on the Fellflower's head, but in human form they appeared in his hair. He tied his hair similar to his family, keeping the front in two braids, but he let them fall and tied the back up instead. A third lantern hung from the back of his little ponytail, and in Nigredo's opinion, the whole style imitating his dad was rather cute.

Back when Nigredo had still been surviving on Dragonspine, he'd have to hide the carcassess of mountain boars he'd killed from him until properly cooked. If he hadn't, it would often take hours to stop him from crying. Despite being a creature that mimicked other species to infiltrate and find food, the young Whopperflower was sensitive and preferred to make friends instead of kill. Back when Nigredo had first taken him in, he'd been a regular Whopperflower with an oddly sadistic streak, but ever since he'd gone head-to-head in combat with Albedo and a couple others, he'd not only been reduced in size, but that sadistic streak had almost completely disappeared, stripping away his cold outer shell to reveal the pacifist heart inside. He was still a bit of a sadist, but much, much less. It was part of the reason Nigredo had kept him, instead of letting him go- his sensitive, pacifist attitude wouldn't have kept him alive for long. And if Nigredo truly had to be honest, the prospect of seeing such a surprisingly kind, sweet creature die in the cold hurt. someone like that deserves to live happy. I may not be able to save myself from a bitter end, but he doesn't deserve that.

Rubedo pulling and playing with his hair reminded him of where he was.

Right. I'm not in the cold anymore and neither is he. Honestly, I could probably let him go if he wasn't such a sappy kid. And I'm not about to squander all the work I put in getting Jean to let him live here, am I? I should probably try to re-teach him how to defend himself, though he has plenty of defence mechanisms already. It doesn't seem like he knows how to use them, though. Well, at least we'll have something to do when he gets bored of learning to write. Actually, we'll have to do that too. I wouldn't be surprised if Albedo doesn't let him out of the house until he can at least read. Well, until both of us can read, anyway. I don't think I've had to read anything in- what, two, three hundred years? I have a lot of catching up to do. I... Should probably get a job as well. I suppose I'll be busy over the next few months, but after that hopefully things will slow down a little. Who knows, maybe I can start making those little mechanisms I designed as a little kid. I still remember some, I'd like to make them with wood if I can. Although I'd have to learn how to cut it. Huh, perhaps I can make something out of woodcarving. A bit of a hobby, as Alice calls it.

Nigredo suddenly blinked, surprised by his thoughts.

...making plans for the future? When did I start doing that? When did I decide it was okay to do that?

"...Nigredo? Are you all right?" Albedo asked, pulling him back to reality. Turns out he'd been waving his hand in front of Nigredo's face.

"Oh- I'm all right. Just thinking."

"No, you're not. Why are you crying? Isn't it bad to cry?" Rubedo asked. Surprised, Nigredo lifted a hand to his cheek. It was wet.

"Ah... I'm fine." He was suddenly confused. Why was he crying? It was a symbol of sadness, but he felt nothing but fatigue- and joy.

"But you're crying. You can't be fine when you're crying." Rubedo cocked his head to the side, the way he did when he was confused. Then he suddenly straightened up. "Oh, are you happy crying?"

"Happy crying?" Nigredo wiped a hand across his face, trying to stop the tears. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Albedo smiled, moving closer to put an arm around his shoulder.

"You're crying because you're happy- you're releasing emotions you've kept for years now. You're both safe."

Nigredo took a breath, trying to get a hold on his emotions. He suddenly relaxed, overcome by a wave of relief. I'm safe, he thought, believing it for the first time in almost five hundred years. I'm safe.

He smiled, letting the tears fall.

"I'm all right," he said. "Just happy I'm home."

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