Human Resources

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"I just thought I could branch out and make new friends, but then this happened and I..."

"...We are still friends."


Xander had to spruce the conference room up with flora, didn't he? Eris, and her friends had arrived. I watched as they settled on their side of the conference room, with Eris barely glancing at my direction before returning to interact with her friends. "Hey!" I said. I wasn't sure if she'd share the same enthusiasm. Eris turned her head, her legs continuing to walk with her friends. Her hand kind of waved at me before she turned back to them. I was tired of this exact exchange.

Why couldn't I just walk over? Friends shouldn't feel as though they couldn't approach one another. Simultaneously though, shouldn't friends be inviting them to come and join them? I couldn't help but feel butthurt that she didn't bother to think about that for a second. What was I expecting? I couldn't stand just staying there in the shade. I deserved to be someone worth speaking to, and only I could make that happen. Before I could do anything however...

"Okay committee members! Listen up!" 

The lengths I'd take to wait until murder was legal. Xander commenced the meeting as I kicked back in exhaustion, not from the job but rather the colleagues. Ironic, considering my peers had to have actively therapeutic and peacemaking auras and abilities. I guess their switch for it was turned off right then. For once, I was glad that Xander seldom mentioned me or what I had to do. It was wrong of me to expect more from a private school's student-organized committee.

Half-tuned out, I merely existed until he addressed me or Human Resources. Clearly and unfeelingly, he addressed the committee, "Our school has a zero tolerance policy on any and all physical assaults or violence. If you see any students fighting or hitting one another, report them to faculty immediately, especially Human Resources. No exceptions." I could already point out a million flaws with his order, but it wasn't wise for me to bring it up. 

Transitioning into his orders for Human Resources left me batting an eye almost constantly due to how archaic and outdated they were. I could've sworn the ivy vines he placed around us crawled across the conference table and ensnared every committee member. Was I just being biased? The soothing greenery ended up giving me the opposite. "Any questions?" Xander asked the room. His question might as well have been rhetorical.

As the meeting ended, a little uneasiness danced within me as I walked up to Eris once again. "Hey-" Was all I could get out before she walked out on me practically on purpose. Why couldn't she stop and listen I'd call her? Did I do something wrong that I didn't know? Instinctually, I pulled her arm before I could realize that that would catch her off guard. "What?" she said, irritated as she stroked her arm, leaving me feeling instant guilt for what I did.

Taking the exchange outside, I saw Athena pass by, her demeanor as if she was about to talk to me before walking away in disappointment of what she saw. "Speak?" Eris impatiently asked. Why did it always feel like she had to mask her anger to maintain the facade of her beauty? "We haven't caught up in a while," I simply stated. Instead of a blossoming, friendly conversation, Eris promptly waved me off once more. 

"...What did I do wrong? Why won't you speak with me? Aren't we meant to be friends?" I boldly asked out loud at last, my loaded question catching her off guard. "I gave the benefit of the doubt for like months now," I got out. I hated being melodramatic, but I was tired of our dynamic. Eris could fool many men and women with the coconut smell of her hair and her dazzling pink dresses, but my vision was now saturated. 

Blues and YellowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora