"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜
Sonya ran up to them. Her black trainers creaking on the floor, she only walked and ran in her tip toes. That was probably the only thing she and Aris had in common. Her hair was tied down to her neck in a braided ponytail and she looked happy, if not excited.
"Guys, you gotta wait," she stopped, doubling over, her hand on her chest, trying to catch her breath, "I have something soo important to tell y'all."
Aris and Thomas gave each other a knowing look, that looks of pure confusion.
"Go on." Aris instructed Sonya, he was leaning against Thomas's shoulder.
"Yesterday me and Harriet," Sonya began, excitedly, she took a breath in and continued, "we did a DNA test and checked our cells and stuff like that, and we found out something- do you guys wanna know what it was?"
"Yes!" Thomas's curiosity was getting the better of him, like always.
"I have a brother!" Sonya squealed, stamping her foot on the floor, "and not just a sibling, a twin!"
"That's so sick." Thomas stated, mirroring her excitement, "I love my siblings, not AJ, but yeah."
Aris rolled his eyes, he wasn't happy that he had got all this excited for that, "it isn't, I have a sibling and he's a dickhead."
Sonya was too excited to care. "Can you guys help me?" She asked, generously, "please?"
"Sure, we will." Thomas nodded, "easy, we just need to found a blonde guy, that looks like Sonya." He told Aris, who was opening a skittles pack with his teeth.
"Thank you guys so much." Sonya perked up at them and smiled, "if you guys think you found the right guy, just take a strand of his hair and give it to me?" She thanked them once more and walked away.
"Now," Aris said, rubbing his chin, "I know many blonde people.. What about Zart?"
Thomas was giving him one of his weird looks.
"Uhm, no? Liam?"
Thomas blinked, adding to the awkwardness.
"There's a blonde we always talk to." Thomas stated.
"Uhh, Connor."
"We barely talk to the guy." Thomas shook his head and watched Aris's eyes widen.
"You don't think?" Aris muttered, realization hitting him hard.
"Newt?" Thomas asked, nonchalantly.
¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜
"But nah, it can't be, bruv, can it?" Aris muttered to Thomas, who was sat next to him, slowly tearing open a Maltesers packet like he had all the time in the world.