chapter 11 🖤 Mourning in his arms

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I opened the door and wiped my tears to put on a smile. Right in front of me is my uncle Pythor standing there with a smile on his face then it faded when he knew what's going on with me. "Duhvassa! Are you alright sweetie?" Asked uncle Pythor as he puts down the 2 liter bottle of coke to hug me. "I'm alright uncle Pythor, I've been missing my mom!" I said to him. "I know about that sweetheart, Skales informed me about your situation, that's I'm here to give you some support on this day when your mom spread her wings and went to heaven Duhvassa!" Said uncle Pythor. Hearing that hit me hard and made me tear up more but luckily uncle Pythor was there to comfort me.

    He rubs my back and kisses my cheek

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He rubs my back and kisses my cheek. Uncle Pythor manages to use his tail close the door and put the bottle of coke on the end table between the recliner and couch. He picks me up with his strong arms then carried me to the living room, sats down on the recliner to have me on his lap and starts rocking me as he holds me in his arms while I cry my heart out.
This went on for a while until I finally calmed down. "You feeling better now Duhvassa?" Asked uncle Pythor as he running his hand over my head gently in a fatherly way and kisses my forehead. I nodded and replied, "I'm alright uncle Pythor, thank you for being here for me." "You're more than welcome darling. But do you know what I do to your lil cousins when they feel down?" Asked uncle Pythor. I looked at him in the eyes and tilted my head a little. "What's that?" I asked. Uncle Pythor lifted his free hand, wiggle his fingers and tickles my belly.
I laughed my tail off as he tickles the daylights out of me. He did it to the point I fell off his lap and luckily uncle Pythor instinctively caught me with his coils before I hit the floor. "Gotcha!" Said uncle Pythor as he laughing. He manages to put me back on his lap and kisses my cheek.
I turned my head to see a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper on the end table. "I brought that over so we can share. I figured that I didn't want to show up to see you empty handed." Said Uncle Pythor. I turned back to him and thanked him.
I was about to get up to go to the kitchen to grab some cups. Suddenly uncle Pythor stops and assures me that he'll go and get the cups for me. So he sat me down on the couch with his coils then he got up, slithered to the kitchen, and came back with 2 black coffee cups and sat down.
Uncle Pythor opens the bottle of coke, pours me a cup and hands it to me. "Thank you!" I said to him as I take the cup from him and took a swig of coke. "You're welcome Duhvassa!" Said uncle Pythor as he poured himself a coke, closes the bottle and sits it down on the coffee table.

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