Chapter 30: Brotherly bond

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"I don't know why but I feel protective towards you. It feels like if I had a sister I would have wanted her to be like you," he said.

Aaradhya was surprised to hear that. He considers her as her sister.

"Believe me when I say, you would never want her to be like me. Weak, cowardly and pathetic," she said smiling bitterly.

"You become what you think you are. Stop thinking yourself of those words you just told me and you will see the change. You are the most innocent and beautiful soul I've met Aaradhya. You helped a man like me whom everyone hated. It takes courage to think differently from everyone. You are anything but weak," Yuvraj said gently.

She has never seen him like this. She never thought this man has this much gentleness within himself. She smiled genuinely.

"Thank you. You are the big brother I always wanted. I am tired of being the eldest daughter," she said wiping her tears. She knows she was being too emotional. But she can't help it.

"Now, if you consider me as your big brother, tell me the reason behind your tears. I'll take care of everything," he said.

"There are few things which we have to take care of ourselves. Don't worry I'll tell you whenever I'll need you. I promise," she said.

"What are you doing here?" Tanu asked approaching them and glaring at Yuvraj.

"Watching a movie, wanna join?" Yuvraj replied sarcastically.

"Shut up. Aaradhya, did he say something to you? You can tell me," Tanu said looking at her tears.

"And what will you do?" Yuvraj asked looking at her.

"I.. I'll do something about it," Tanu said.

"Something like smashing a bottle on my head?" he asked.

"Shut up!" she said. No one except for her and Yuvraj knew about that night and she has no intention of telling her friends about it and getting herself killed.

"Stop it guys. You both fight without any reason," Aaradhya said getting up.
"I am going to my room," she declared and left.

"What was that bottle-smashing thing? Do you want others to know about it?" Tanu accused, when Aaradhya left.

"I am sorry. It was a slip of the tongue. I will not bring that up again," Yuvraj said.

What was wrong with this man? Why is he not behaving arrogantly with her? How will she give her rude and savage replies when he behaves like this?

"Are you alright?" she asked him.

"Perfectly fine," he smiled.

"Then why are you behaving normally with me?" she asked frustrated.

"You want me to behave abnormally with you?" he asked.

"N.. No. I have to go now," she said and left. Why did she ask him that? What was there to even ask? Can't she live once without embarrassing herself?

"How is he?" Aaradhya asked as Tanu entered the room.

"He is fine," she answered.

Tanu was not sure whether she should bring today's topic up or not. Abhi behaved so rudely with her. But she can see he was hurting too. But it's their life, she can't make decisions for them. She tried to make Aaradhya understand. It did not work. Then she talked to Abhi and asked her not to give just because Aaradhya is asking him to. It did not work too. He thinks he will only make her life tougher by trying something she doesn't even want to give a chance. She tried to talk to Teena also. She is determined to marry that bastard. Now, she was tired. She did what a good friend should do. Now it's their life. They can do whatever the hell they want!

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