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It's been two weeks since I've seen Wilhelm and i can't wait to see him again. Also, i asked to hillerska if i could be a resident and im waiting for the letter. I haven't told Wilhelm because i don't want him to be sad if im not accepted.

-Mi amor! Simon you've received a letter from hillerska!
-that must be the letter that tells me if im in!

I was... stressed because i mean, i would really like to be a resident and live with Wilhelm
but, im so scared to leave mom alone or just the fact to leave my house and my things.

-so? What does it say? She said
-im-im- im in!
-that's awesome mi amor! She said giving me a kiss on the cheeks

Not even 10 minutes later i called Wilhelm to tell him the news

-Hey simme, i cant wait to see you tomorrow i miss you so so so much
-Yeah, about that, i wanted to tell you something
-What's up? You're quitting hillerska? He said jokingly
-nah, i would die missing you
-then what do you want to tell me
-i, i got in to be a resident at hillerska!
-what? When did you asked to be in?! That is so cool! We are going to live together!!
-I hope well be in the same room because i asked just to be with you!
-i am going to make sure we are in the same room don't worry about that

I packed all my things and it was already time to go, i didnt take the bus because i wanted to tell mom bye in front of the school. Arrived at hillerska i went into my room but Wilhelm wasn't there so i guessed he was at lunch. I was right, that was where he was. This day passed so much faster than i thought it would and when the night came, me and wille were just cuddling and sleeping.
The next morning it was already time to go in class. I don't want to be weird but, me and wille havent really kissed and i kinda was hoping we would have done it but its okay. I also like, just being with him.

We sat together in class and he was putting his hand on my thigh except that he entry brought his hand closer to touch my thing. I became hard instantly and when he noticed it he smiled. We always sit together in class but today was different, he really was kind of, sensual. I don't know if it's weird to say it like that but, I was definitely horny because of him.

For the last period we had a free period so we went into our room and we were both on our cellphone. I was thinking about today and it made me horny again, unfortunately he noticed it.

-you're horny aren't you?
-I'm not
-yes you really are, is it because of today
-what are you talking about, I said sarcastically
He then kissed me like it had been years since we kissed each other, we kissed and touched each other for a long time. He kept touching my cock and I couldn't hold it anymore, I moaned. He really liked it but after like 30 minutes, he just stepped back and said

-I have to go I have an interview
-what? Why did you do this to me to just go awayyy
-bye bye Simon, I love you
-ugh, I love you too

The day after

We are starting the year but we already have so much exams and it's stressing me out. I really don't want Simon to worry but my stress is getting real bad.

I don't want to think about that but Simon is missing a week of school because he have a trip with the choir. He's so lucky. Since he's not here I'm solo in my room and I have no one to talk to and I heard there was a new girl in school so I invited her in my room after dinner. I already knew her because she is the daughter of my moms friend so we saw each other when we were little. Her name is Anna and she's nice, since we had fun before she accepted to come to my room and when she came we took popcorn and watch a humour movie. It was a really good movie but she was always trying to get closer to me or to touch me. After a couple of hours the movie was finish and it was late so she was leaving.

-goodbye Wilhelm..
-bye Anna see you soon!
Then she just kissed me but since the door was open somebody could have saw us. I immediately stopped her and told her I was in a relationship and she ran away crying, I didn't understand why but I was tired so I didn't do nothing about it.

The day after
22:35 p.m.

I was taking a shower and when I got back to my room I saw that I had 18 missed called from Simon and 11 text from him.
I didn't understand why so much texts and calls so I looked at the texts

-Wilhelm what the fuck?!
-Answer my calls!!
-you don't seem to care but I do so answer!!
-what the actual fuck is this?

*a photo of Wilhelm and Anna kissing*

-I can't believe you did that!!


Heyy so sorry it's not a big chapter but it's still good I think! Also thank you all for the reads and the followers on my TikTok account! I love y'all SO much❤️

My TikTok account: Wattpad.yr

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