23 Sweet and bitter incidents in Aesthetic beauty birthday party 🎉

Start from the beginning

She again insisted: Anirudh babu! Please go...time is running fast.

Anirudh: ye..yes ..I will go now..

He slipped from there silently. When he opened main door and came out and closed the main door kumudini Tai is there only who  is about to go inside their flat but Anirudh stopped her and told that sarada garu is looking after Bondita why should you take trouble aunty in this age. Just come to terrace and sit there happily and took her to lift and made her get into lift

She twisted her mouth and blamed him inside.

Inside the flat sarada immediately cleaned the water puddle that formed in living room and Bondita is drying her hair inside bedroom .

She changed her inner dress and took out the langa voni birthday dress which she bought it for her and smiled proudly and hugged it to her chest.

Sarada came and told controlling her smile: enough...Enough get ready ..time is running fast. We have to start the party..

Bondita bite her inside tongue and started draping the langa voni. Sarada is helping her in adjusting plaits and asked her not to hurt and  give pain to the one who love us..

Bondita is trembled when sarada also used the same word love .

Bondita: Love?  Vadina (bhabhi)! ...does my bava love me? Do you know ?

Sarada mentally slammed herself and looked at Bondita who is asking her excitingly. Her face turned crimson red

Sarada stood silent and blamed herself for slipping tongue . She can't say anything just like that without knowing others intention and involve in their matters

Bondita again asked excitingly: please tell me Vadina . does bava love me? Did you feel ? From many days this question eating my head. I have no one to ask.

Sarada thought for a while   and told : I mean ... Bondita...he is taking care of you .  You both didn't tell anyone of us  till now in what situations you came here staying together where are your elders neither me nor anyone  know anything.

But one thing I can say .. It's not so easy to take up responsibility of a growing girl which no one wants to take  . Even close relatives also avoid taking up responsibility without any wrong intentions and that too a growing girl below 18 years of age 

(Bondita felt twisted in her heart Recollecting her Mavaya and Attamma avoiding her and going away saidulu forcing her.. sarada is continuing)

But Anirudh is taking care of you right..!? You have become more important for him. Then in this case you shouldn't hurt him in anyway with your words or with your actions. You should co-operate with him obey what all he says. Do you understand?

Bondita nodded silently. Sarada made her single french plait  . She brought her imitation jewellery and decked up Bondita's hair  and also kept jasmine garland in her hair and did partial makeup. She is looking too gorgeous

Bondita is thinking how to get answers for her questions.

Sarada saw her face understood her dilemma  and asked her to go and lit Diya in puja room before coming to terrace. I will go and look after arrangements. Your bava will come and take you up. Bondita nodded.

While leaving sarada turned back and  asked : by the way you took mine and your annaya (Madhukar) blessings. But  Did you take Anirudh's blessings

It then striked Bondita's mind and  felt guilty that she didn't get that idea till now  and shooked  her head . Sarada asked her to do that before birthday is completed.

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