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Kazuha was completely out of breath; but that didn't matter to him. He only wanted to save his friend from any possible storms that may be brewing up.

Faster. Faster. Sprint even faster. Go beyond your limits. Not caring whether he bumped into people or anything else, only thinking of saving Tomo. Almost not realizing he had arrived at his destination, Kazuha saw with his very own eyes.

With one swift and smooth strike, Tomo was stuck down with the almighty lightning of the shogun.

Kazuha was petrified. He wondered: What was Tomo thinking? Why did he suddenly challenge the might of the Mushoku no Tensei, which eternally shines? Is this... truly the end he had hoped for?

Nonetheless, without a single thought, he quickly snatched Tomo's sword, which had the history and endurance of thousands of fight, as well as the electro vision, which symbolizes his friend's hope.

Hope about a better life. Hope about a happy future. Hope... about his everything.

Kazuha had a bunch of feelings and thoughts: sorrow and anger as well as regret and hopelessness, yet curiosity and wonder took a bigger piece of his mind.

But even if the answers to the many questions he has would never be information he would ever learn. he knew that the precious vision and sword shouldn't just get buried in a sad location any warrior would regret having their valuables placed.

And so, he fled away from the scenario he so very wanted to go to earlier.

He picked a beautiful and calm area to place the remaining memories of his lost friend. Kazuha dug a huge pit to place these items.

This may not be the best option, but Kazuha was more than happy to have a proper burial place for this close companion of his.

Before leaving, he decides to pay respects by mourning and spending some time sitting around.

When he was done, he walked away and whispered a message in the wind so quiet, a human could barely hear:
"May you have a good rest for eternity, friend."

[~To be continued~]

A/N: "He only wanted to save his friend from any possible storms that may be brewing up."
any storms that may be brewing up? heh, get it? cus.. theyre both electro users.. hehe..he..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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