11) Moving in to Sehun's :O

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The next two days Sulli simply spent in Kika's apartment by herself as all her friends were busy from the winter exams including Kika. Sulli in her spare time found herself a part time job in a café in Seoul that will produce enough money for her to pay Kika for letting her stay in her apartment and some money to give as a gratitude of thanks for everyone that helped her.

Last night Kika got a call from the hospital she was working in. She has to leave the country for a few weeks as she has to further enhance her doctor training and it can only be done in Singapore professionally.

Kika was going to leave Sulli by herself in the apartment but the owner of the apartment recommended for Sulli to go stay with someone she knows until Kika comes back as Sulli didn't own the apartment legally according to the law.

Sulli called her parents the same night to talk to them about life in Australia. After talking for quite a time she tells them about how she has to find a home for the next few weeks as Kika is going to Singapore. Sulli's mum was worried about Sulli, the only advise her mum gave was to go to Busan for the weeks but Sulli couldn't go to Busan as she got a job in Seoul. Sulli's dad then mentions about Sehun's parents.

Two days later..

Sulli's dad calls sulli.

Hwang (Sulli's dad): "Daughter, you will be staying at Sehun's house for the time being."

Sulli: "Huh? Will his parents be there?"

Hwang: "Of course, I wouldn't let you be alone with Sehun since you guys are mature now."

Sulli: "Ohh-okay fewf! *she lets out a sigh* okay appa bye!"





The next week passed as usual with Sulli going back and forth to her part time job and serving the customers in the café. Chanyeol and Suho came to see her at the café a few times but the others were too busy with their studies to come see her.

It was time for Kika to leave to Singapore. Sulli drove her to the airport now that Kika helped Sulli to get her driving license in Korea. They said their goodbyes and Kika went off to her flight after hugging Sulli.

It was finally time for Sulli to go to Sehun's house. Before going, she pops into a Korean native flowers shop and a spicy rice cakes shop to buy some things to take to Sehun's house as Sulli didn't want to go empty handed after 3 years.

Sulli steps on the front porch of Sehun and his families new house. It was a double story house, nicely painted with neutral colours and a flowery garden at the front.

Ring..! Ring..! she rings the doorbell. She was so nervous as it's been 3 years since she last saw Sehun's father and mother. Sulli heard footsteps comes towards the front door where she was standing anxiously. The doorknob turns slowly it felt very dramatic for Sulli so her cheeks started to redden. She looks up when the door finally opens.

"Sulli-ah you finally came I waited for a while I thought you were coming early in the morning."








It was Sehun.

He then explained how his dad has to go office and his mum went to the market to get vegetables and meat to cook specially for Sulli. They go inside and Sulli looks around the house excitedly. Sehun leads her to the guest room right next to his bedroom where she was going to be staying. Sulli unpacks and changes into her baggy dancing pants and her GD x TAEYANG jumper and put her hair in a messy bun with half of her hair sticking out which made her look like a swag hip hop dancer.

>Sehun's POV

[ Omma wanted me to go to the market and get the groceries but I persuaded her that I have university homework just to stay home when Sulli arrives, I waited till the morning but it took her a long time to come. She brought flowers and rice cakes it felt like she brought them for me ahh.. she looks so cute. ]

Sulli comes out from her room to Sehun who was sitting in the upstairs couch with his legs up on the seat watching some show on the big plasma TV which was situated in the living room along with nice furniture and a bright curtain.

Sehun sees Sulli come out of the room and instantly looks back to see her. His jaw dropped, this was the first time his seen her in baggy pants and a jumper after 3 years as for the past weeks he only saw her wearing dress clothes. She looked amazing even in normal home clothes. He pats on the couch with his hand as if he wanted her to sit next to him. Sulli then sits a few inches away from him nervously.

Sehun: "How is the house? It's nice yeah? Since appa and omma got a new job their weekly payment increased and we were able to buy a better house."

Sulli: "Hmm.. it's really nice and very luxury, I love it. Show me your room later yeah?"

Sehun: "haha okay I thought you'd never ask, I'll show you later when it's cleaned. He gave her a cheeky smile.

They decide to play some video games since Sulli hasn't yet played any video games ever since her visit back. Holding the controllers on their hands they play a racing game. Sulli's face fully concentrated on the game as Sehun glimpses at her with the corner of his eyes.

Sulli wins the game.

Sulli: "Hahahaha I still got it, I was the only one who could beat you before and I still can beat you!" she screams cutely as she punches his arms with her fists pretending to be a boxer who just won a match.

Sehun: "Yaa...! I let you win because I felt sorry for you. Come here I'll get you for this."

Sulli: "I still bet your ass hahaha you little shit. Sehun-ah you suck!" She pokes her tongue out at him.

Sehun gets up to hit her as a joke but Sulli gets up and runs around the couch so he can't catch her. Both of them run around the couch playfully trying to catch each other. Sulli then runs down stairs while Sehun is still playfully chasing her.

She runs near the front door trying to find a hiding place but she was too slow because at that moment Sehun grabs her from the back and pushes he against him. Which turned into a back hug. Both were still surprised because Sehun was intending to just grab her and Sulli.. well she didn't expect him to back hug her.

Suddenly the door flashes open.

It was sehun's mum with the groceries. :O

Sehun didn't have the time to let Sulli go as the door opened unexpectedly and fast.

Sehun's mum starred at the both of them with a shocked expression in her face.




Has Sehun's mum got the wrong idea of what they were doing?


A/N :- HI GUYS! since this is my 11th chapter i thought i'll let you guys know a little bit about me but i won't tell you guys my name hehehe sorry i don't want my friends to know it's me. I'm so excited to write this story/short book? because i really like this story and i can kind of relate to the plot :) I still go to school and i live in Australia :D. I only got into kpop and kdrama recently but i love BIGBANG and EXO probably like most of you guys ooh and i really like BOBBY (IKON). I'll keep writing this story even though it doesn't have many readers at the moment but i hope it increases so i'll be more motivated. And i would appreciate it if you guys could tell your friends to maybe read it, if you enjoy the story :) And the chapters will get more and more interesting as it continues so please keep reading and vote/comment. Thank ya'll. XD

:P Thank you again!

Skinny Love (Exo's Sehun and F(x)'s Sulli fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ