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Their wedding was coming up. It was close and there was no time to waste.

Mikey knew a perfect place to have their wedding. He didn't tell Y/n where they would have it, instead he thought that he would just show it to her.

Y/n looks at him.

Y/n: Did you find a place where we are going to have our wedding?

Mikey: Yep! I think you're going to like it.

A smile formed on his lips.

Mikey took Y/n by her hand as they walked out the door of their apartment.

Y/n: Manjiro, where are we going?

Mikey: We're going to the place I'm showing you.

Mikey says.

Mikey opened the passenger side door of the car as Y/n got in and closed it. While he got in the driver's side and drove off.

They drove to the place.

-at the place-

The setting was beautiful

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The setting was beautiful. It was on the beach. The light blue flowers were lined up against the aisle.

Y/n was surprised, in a good way.

Y/n: This is beautiful, Manjiro

Mikey was glad that his girlfriend liked how it was set up.

Mikey: Do you like it Y/n?

Y/n: Yes, I love it!

There was only one more thing to do. Mikey was going to ask Y/n to marry him. It would change his life forever.

Would she say yes?

Mikey knew that he had to propose to Y/n. She was the love of his life.

She was his Juliet and he was her Romeo. She was the sun and he was the moon. The peanut butter to her jelly. The light to his darkness.

It was now or never.

Mikey took deep breaths and knelt down on one of his knees.

Mikey: Y/n?

Y/n: Hm?

Y/n looked at him. His face was serious.

Mikey: Will you marry me?

Mikey says as he was holding the box that the wedding ring was in as it was opened.

Mikey says as he was holding the box that the wedding ring was in as it was opened

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Y/n: Yes, I will marry you!

Y/n says happily.

Mikey got up off his knees and had put the wedding ring on her finger.

Mikey got up off his knees and had put the wedding ring on her finger

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Y/n kissed him on the lips and Mikey kissed her back.

-Time Skip-

-2 weeks later-

-wedding day-

Everyone that they invited were there. All their friends and family.

Takemichi and Hinata were there, along with Emma and Draken the both of them were already married, and had kids.

Draken, Mitsuya, Takemichi, Baji, Chifuyu, and Sanzu were Mikey's wingmen.

Emma, Hinata, Yuzuha, and Senju were Y/n's bridesmaids.

The wedding started. Everyone was seated in their chairs.

Mikey was tapping his foot impatiently as he begin to feel a little nervous.

Mikey: (Where is she?)

Mikey thought.

Emma: (Where is Y/n-chan?)

Emma had whispered to Senju.

Senju: (She might still be getting ready, I'll check on her)

Senju went to go check on Y/n in her dressing room and knocked on the door.

Senju: Y/n-chan? Are you in there? Can I come in?

Y/n: Yes, come in Senju-chan

Y/n says.

Y/n was already in her white wedding dress with the wedding veil over her face.

Y/n was already in her white wedding dress with the wedding veil over her face

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Senju walked in the dressing room.

Senju: Are you ready Y/n-chan? Everyone is waiting

Y/n: Yes, I'm ready

They leave the dressing room as Senju goes to the other bridesmaids.

Everyone was standing up as Y/n walked down the aisle holding her bouquet of flowers as she went to the alter were Mikey was standing.

Everyone sat back down in their seats.

Mikey: You look beautiful Y/n.

Y/n: Thank you, and you look handsome

Mikey smiles.

𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 | 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘆 X 𝗬/𝗻Where stories live. Discover now