Chapter 11

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A/N: So I know I said I would update this quicker but I've been seriously busy these days :/ At least I didn't take like 4 months to update so that's a plus :) Anyways, thanks to everyone who's still reading my story and to those who are just starting. Your votes and comments really make my day and always inspire me :) I haven't gotten a lot lately but the few I do get are always nice to see! 

So enjoy the chapter and let me know what ya think of everything :) 


Chapter 11

Darkness. It surrounded me like a cold blanket. It was almost overwhelming to the point of madness.

The eerie silence had me on the floor searching for the hint of a sound…any sound.

It felt like hours before finally hearing something. The sound of footsteps against a watery floor echoed all around me. I tried to find the source but was met with only darkness. I had no idea where the sound was coming from and more importantly whether the cause of the sound would hurt me.

“Who’s there?” I wanted to call out but no sound came.

Then, to the right of me I noticed a dark figure approaching. It was odd how the figure seemed to stand out from the rest of the darkness. It wasn’t until it stood right in front of me that I saw it was a large creature covered in dark fur. “Do you remember me child?”

Not knowing if I could speak, I shook my head.

“Well this won’t do.” That voice. Where had I heard that voice before? “Now listen to me my child. I have no intention of hurting you so do not fear me. I merely wish to help you.”

“I am not a child.” I don’t know why I felt the need to correct him but I didn’t want to be considered a child to this beast.

“No, I can see you have grown well these past years.” He reached out to grab a piece of my hair, bringing it to his mouth and kissing it before continuing. “I’ve missed you my sweet Elise.”

It’s him. It was the same voice from my dreams! But how could he be here? I wasn’t dreaming. I was…with someone? But who?

“Elise! Do not turn away from me!” A loud growl came from the beast making my body shiver in fear. “I will not let him have you!”

Him? That’s right. I was with someone…a guy.

“ELISE!” The beast’s voice sounded further away. “Elise!”

I was with a guy and his name was…it was…Seth? No, he was out of town. Wait a minute, town. I was out of town with Ian!

“Elise, I will find you! Eli…”

“SAM! Sam, please answer me!” Looking up I saw Ian standing over me desperately trying to get my attention. That was when I realized he wasn’t alone.

Standing behind him was an old, or rather an ancient looking man. He looked to be a walking corpse by how skinny he was. His skin was a grayish color and the bags under his eyes were almost black. On the bridge of his nose he wore an odd looking pair of glasses that were attached to a string that was wrapped around his neck.

The old man slowly began making his way towards us as if being cautious. “You must drink this if you wish to feel better.” In his boney hands was a tea cup filled with a light red liquid that swished around with every movement he made. As he handed it to me the sweet smell of roses filled my senses causing me to automatically relax.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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