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Hey everyone!

I have decided to create this story for the contest by @justwriteit! It is a companion novel to my first place winner, In My Head. (First place in the Pretty in Punk awards.) This story is going to focus on a minor character from that book, Miri (Mirna) Conlins. She's a feisty teen artist with a chip on her shoulder and a dark past that I slowly reveal with backstory chapters.

I've been meaning to write this book for a long while. Miri is my favorite character. She is witty, damaged, and desperate to run from her mistakes. Her story is definitely worthy of its own book. And this is that book. Please join me in enjoying Miri's story. Thank you for taking this book off the proverbial Wattpad shelf!

If you are enjoying this book, please share it. It would mean a lot to me! I qualified in the JustWriteIt 10 Chapter Challenge! I want to keep posting, and I could use some morale boosting comments and votes, big time!

Thank you!


Help me decide which cover I should use. The below cover was created by GetCovers. I like it because the artist was able to make Miri's eyes the right color. Though her chameleon eyes can be brown depending on her mood, the title calls them sapphire eyes, so her eyes should be blue on the cover. But I can have my GetCovers artist redo the cover for only $5!

No one seemed interested in reading the book with the above cover

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No one seemed interested in reading the book with the above cover. It was stuck at under 500 views for half a year. The two covers below are created by me and when I used the first one, people started reading my book more. A LOT more. It was very noticeable! But Kaden is much taller than the cover makes him look, and I don't like at all how it gives away which twin she ends up with. ...Or does it?? Heh... You'll have to read to find out for sure!

The second cover below I've never used, but I made it and really like it

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The second cover below I've never used, but I made it and really like it. What do you all think?

I like the above cover because it shows that she is caught between these two twins

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I like the above cover because it shows that she is caught between these two twins. She doesn't even want either twin, at first anyways. But when her plan starts to unravel, she rethinks everything. (The blurb describes this predicament she is in.) I like the models I found for all three of them a lot. I love seeing Logan on the cover, and it doesn't mislead the readers into thinking they know which twin she chooses. But they are just sitting there, so I worry readers won't get immediately drawn to the cover when they aren't about to kiss. The background is more meaningful than what I found for the first cover I created. It shows a meaningful place to Mirna. Bonus: I can use these models to have my GetCovers artist recreate this cover for me professionally, for only $5!

Please let me know which you prefer! I would really appreciate your feedback. Thank you!



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Sapphire Eyes ~ 10 Chapter ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now