Chapter 3

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Zara’s grandfather frowned,“Are you sure you don’t want the driver to come?” He asked worriedly. She rolled her eyes,“Gramps, we’re going for a girls outing, we don’t need a driver trailing us everywhere. And moreover Clara will come and pick us up.” 


“Oh, Clara will be coming?” 

“Yeah, she’ll be here soon.” 

He sighed and rubbed his temples,“Fine then but if you need anything just call okay? And come back before twelve.” 

“Sure thing, bud.” 

“I’m not your bud,” he grumbled though the corner of his lips twitched. 

He turned towards Emme who was nursing her cup of orange juice,“So Emmeline, honey, I’m not very familiar with you, I know this brat through video calls,” he said and ruffled my hair making me squeak in indignation. 

All three laughed, clearly enjoying my misery,“Actually, I met both of them just last year, I was an exchange student,” 

“So you’re family is settled here?” 

“Uh, yeah. Mostly they’re here,” she mumbled

“Come on, we need to get ready. Clara just texted me that she’ll be here in fifteen.” Zara said, stretching her arms and jumping up from the couch. 

We nodded and got up too before following her to our respective rooms. 

I paused in front of my room,“Who’s Clara?” 

“My second cousin.” Zara said. 

I nodded. 

“Is there a specific way I should dress?” 

She thought for a moment,“It’s warm outside so don’t wear any hoodies. And wear comfortable shoes. We’ll be walking a lot.” 

“Okay. I’ll be done in ten minutes.” 

Quickly closing my door, I went to my suitcase and quickly rummaged through it. I found a light blue sundress and paired it with my white sandals, pulling my hair into a messy bun. 

“Clara is here!” Gran called out from downstairs. 

I closed my door and just then Zara came out, clad in a black tshirt and jeans, a black leather jacket strewed across a shoulder. I shook my head at her,“Black outfit and boots again?” I sighed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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