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Yoongi rushed to a room though he's not sure if he should tell him that his lover is coming over with her plus one. His best friend that is now concentrating on some light work out would be glad to know that there is someone he knows will come to watch him but something click on his mind and wanted to surprise him about the one she's with instead

He opens the door and he's not wrong, he's into the fight and decides not to disturb him with his not so important news. He sits on one of the chair and Jungkook raises his eyebrows acknowledging him

As usual, he's with his friend Mingyu. The one that encourages him to do this kind of work, if he's not in need of money, he will be content working on some Cafe or being a valet in some hotels but he badly needs money for his sick mother and working on those can't meet his every day needs. The hospital bills are filling up and simple payable notes are not enough

"Just make sure he will be sleeping like a baby the shortest time possible. The organizer told me elites will be here to watch and maybe work lands on you! That would be great right!"

Jungkook nods to him and continues his light work out 

"Stop doing that.. you should relax your body and mind. Focus on your goal JK"

Jungkook follows his order and sits beside his best friend. Yoongi smiles and get some towels to wipes his sweats on the shoulder and forehead

"Working with the elites would give you a lot of money.. there will be girls and fun comes with it!" He winks at him

"i don't care about girls and fun, all i want is to give my mom the best care!"

"i know... I know! I hope your Aunt will get well soon"  he agrees

Someone opens the door and calls them

"you're next!"

They all stand up and follows the man, Yoongi looks around, his neck stretches searching for someone familiar in the crowds. The glass window upstairs is full of people in suits. The elites are here to watch and maybe picks one of them to work on them

Jimin yells calling his lover's name with a beautiful lady standing beside him in a special guest with barricade to separate them to a simple  looking who's her friend is calling

"Yoongi! We're here!" She shouts waving her hand

Yoongi sees them and make way to sit beside them

Jungkook is too busy making his way to the ring, eyes looking ahead of him, his opponent is already seated at the corner clicking his bones on his neck trying to scares him. He is much bigger than Jungkook but he couldn't care less about it. He will fight and wins this

He steps inside the ring and sits on his corner, a man's voice echoes announcing the players arrival but none about the rules. There are no rules in underground mixed martial arts

Jungkook didn't take away his eyes on his opponent that is full of himself thinking he can defeat him easily. Jungkook is determined to win the fight for the sake of his mother. That is all he needs to win every fight his friend Mingyu arranged for him

The bell went off and the fight begins. Punches throws and Jungkook manage to not hit by it. He throws blow by blow putting all his strength in each of it making his opponent bleed the side of his lips and eyebrows till it's hard for him to see him. Jungkook take the opportunity and kicks behind his knees making him fall in his back and punch him till he lose his conciousness

The referee takes a hold of him to get him out of the unconscious man and declares him a winner. That is the only time he look at the audience and sees his friends Yoongi and Jimin cheering for him but there's another lady beside Jimin that is holding her arms, she was looking at the man beaten up by him

She's biting his lips and looks up at him shortly, if not because of the flicking lights he can tell she's shy to look at him. A hand clasp in front of her chest. She's not use to watch this kind of things but her friend drags her to watch the fight

Yoongi looks at her with a hand with thumbs up sign. The lady smiles at his best friend but she can't manage to smile, she tugs her friend and say something. Jungkook watches her lips trying to read it


"It's awesome right? That's my best friend.. he always wins that's why he's undefeated!" Yoongi shouts to make them hears him, Jimin is smiling looking happy while Taehyung didn't know what to react. The ring is full of blood and it making her throw up

Jungkook couldn't take away his eyes on her. Yoongi and Jimin is with her. His friends knows her and there's no way they didn't know her. He wants to meet her. Yoongi look up at him again and he mouth on him

"Who is she?!"
Jungkook asks glaring at him. Yoongi just smiles and winks at him. Jungkook can tell she's one of the elite by what she's wearing but why she's watching at close range. The elites have designated place while watching this kind of fight

Mingyu steps inside the ring to get him, arms under his shoulder to help him walk

"There is someone wanted to meet you but first we need to patch you up" Mingyu wiggles his eyebrows.

"Actually there's a lot wanted to meet you, to hire you to be exact but I choose the one the looks the most richest among them"  he chuckles and he just smirks on him

"Really? You really act like my manager now"

Jungkook couldn't care less as much as it's about work and big salary. But he takes note to ask him best friend the name of the lady beside Jimin

"Of course! I care about you, i wouldn't like you to work on some mafia boss. This guy looks legit and legal"  he teases

Few minutes pass and he's ready. Mingyu is just putting some bandaid on his cut in the eyebrows when the door opens

"Mr. Kim wants to meet him!" He points at Jungkook but at the same time Yoongi and Jimin walks in their room. Yoongi is holding a doffell bag, he knows what's inside of it. It's his win and Yoongi will take care of it with his life

Jungkook stand up and Mingyu catch up with him, they shouldn't make whoever it is to wait for him but maybe he should understand. He just got out of the fight

They follows the man till they reach one of the VIP rooms. He knocks on it and someone opens it from the inside. They proceeds inside and his eyes lands on the older man sitting in the middle of the room. Eyes scanning him from head to foot

Jungkook bows greeting the man but when he stands straight he sees a lady walking to sit on the right side. The same lady with his friends that watched him near the ring

"I'm General Kim Soo Hyun..." He takes a deep sigh and stands like him

"Let's get to the point why I asked to meet you. I want you to be the personal bodyguard of my daughter Kim Taehyung"  he points to the lady beside him

Jungkook shift his eyes to the two of them and nods at him. He even forgot to blink processing the words that's come out of the man

"words! I need your words young man! Are you up to the job I'm offering?!" His eyebrows furrowed

"yes.. yes sir! I'm accepting the job to be her bodyguard"  he bows at him once again

"then it's done!" He walks out of the room holding his daughter's hand walking beside him, Taehyung glances at him till she reaches the door. A man comes in front of him handling him a calling card

"be there tomorrow at 8am sharp welcome to the team" he taps his shoulders and follows his boss. Mingyu shakes his shoulders happy for the new job he got

He looks at the card and kisses it before keeping it inside his back pocket, he smiles to himself..

"I think it's my lucky day!"



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