Chapter 2- Princess

Începe de la început

Darren: Looks like no one is here, so I wanna show off to myself how strong I have gotten~

???: I'll kill you!!!

Darren: Go ahead and try!

I did a hand sign which resembled a bird.

Darren: NUE!

A bird made of purple electricity rushed toward Jogo and knocked him down.

Darren: There's still more!

I kicked him away while punching his face simultaneously and slicing off his arms with my sword

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I kicked him away while punching his face simultaneously and slicing off his arms with my sword.

???: This amount of power... the same as a special-grade sorcerer...

Darren: I don't get what you are saying but.

I kicked him away again while he summoned flames toward me.

Darren: Counter.

I summoned my blue flames to counter his flames which caused a collision and the cursed spirit was eventually swallowed by my blue flames.

Darren: Swap places!!!

I grabbed his collar and dashed away from the city while I did a handsign representing a rabbit.

Darren: Rabbit escape.

An army of rabbits surrounded me and the curse while I rushed behind him as he charged up an attack as I cancelled my Shikigami. This resulted in him being kicked into a river.

???: NOT OVER YET!!!

He summoned a meteor which I stared at with glee before I summoned my blue flames around my sword.

Darren: Need to do better than that.

I jumped toward the meteor and sliced it all to bits before I smirked at the curse.

Darren: You're weak, you know.

???: Don't underestimate me!!!

He did a handsign as I smirked, sensing the immense energy coming from him.

???: Domain Expansion. Iron Coffin Mountain.

 Iron Coffin Mountain

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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