Chapter 2 - Young Master

Start from the beginning

Through the curtain of rain, Lu Shi could see Chu Yu who'd finished eating and was talking happily with Uncle Yang who was packing a serving of beef for take out. Uncle Yang took out an umbrella, probably asking the youth if he needed it. Chu Yu waved his hand and refused, but he didn't leave either. Instead, he sat on the stool and ate from the small fruit candy bag.

Wei Guanglei was still growing and could sweep empty a bowl of rice in a few mouthfuls. After drinking half a bowl of chicken soup, he decided to take a minute break and brought up the topic of Qiang-Ge again.

"I heard that Qiang-Ge had been aiming for you for several days now, he just never dared to do anything before, most likely wary of the rumors. Yesterday, a few of them were collecting protection fees from the street vendors and got into an argument. I don't know how, but your name got dragged in, so he brought some people to stop you today, probably to prove his status as the boss."

Having said so much, Wei Guanglei finished off with, "We're all brothers here. My mother is your mother and Zhu Zhifei, that kid's mother, is also your mother. Anyway, what I mean is, if you really need someone to pick you up from the police station, just call my mother directly. If she's not at the mahjong table, then she's on her way to the mahjong table, she's quite free."

Lu Shi didn't like troubling people. If he could solve it himself, then he'd settle it by his means.

But when he met Wei Guanglei's eyes, "En," he said, "will do, thanks."

Lu Shi continued to eat with downcast eyes. He was slender and lean, regardless of how he sat, he'd still look good. Even while pinching food with his chopsticks, every movement could be said to be somewhat unique.

At that very moment, Wei Guanglei felt that although this brother of his was sitting close to him, he was very far away.

He suddenly remembered when his mother had chatted about Lu Shi with Auntie Jing from next door. She said that not long after Lu Shi had just arrived at Qingchuan Road, there was a bodyguard in a suit who came looking for him in that kind of luxury car that could only be seen on TV. It left quickly and was never seen again.

At that moment, Wei Guanglei's attention was drawn away. He put the bowl down and burst out with a swear, "Goddamn, that car must be seven or eight million yuan, right?"

Lu Shi looked up, following Wei Guanglei's line of sight, he saw a black Rolls-Royce drive through the rain and slowly stop outside Old Yang's Beef House.

The driver's side door opened, and a chauffeur wearing a uniform and white gloves got out of the car with a big, black umbrella. He hurriedly walked around the back of the car and arrived in front of Chu Yu.

After a short conversation, Chu Yu got up to say goodbye to Uncle Yang and then walked to the front of the car with the driver while ducking under the umbrella. He waited for the man to open the car door before sitting in the back seat.

This entire scene shocked Wei Guanglei to the bone. "Which rich family's young master came here to experience our livelihood? Uncle Yang is probably delighted, he can brag about this for more than half of the year!"

The Rolls-Royce drove away and Lu Shi withdrew his gaze. Lifting his bowl, he took a sip of the soup.

He thought back to the entrance of the police station where Chu Yu was carrying a bag of candy and had asked him if he wanted one, his eyes were light, like a small cup of amber beneath the sun.

Alas, he was indeed a young master with clean eyes devoid of the least bit of haze.

Inside the car, Chu Yu was a little cold due to the air conditioning. He turned his head to look outside the window, but the glass was covered by rain. It was blurry and nothing could be seen clearly-

When he got into the car earlier, he noticed that sitting across the street was someone who seemed to have been the gangster he'd met at noon, but he didn't have time to confirm it.

What would he even do if he was sure?

Not letting himself think about it anymore, Chu Yu gestured to the fruit candy in his hand and spoke to the driver, "Uncle Chen, if you want some candy, I have a lot!"

Uncle Chen glanced in the rearview mirror, seeing Chu Yu's bulging cheeks he smiled. "Young master, don't eat it. That kind of candy is cheap, eating it will make you feel uncomfortable and it's not good for your health either. Also, from what I just saw, even if that beef tastes novel, it's not clean. At home, your Aunt Lan made mung bean cake for you. I smelled that it's divine."

Chu Yu was somewhat at a loss, he wanted to say that the beef was really, really delicious; the public account's advertorial hadn't lied. The candy was also delicious and he didn't feel uncomfortable after eating it. Holding the plastic bag without letting go, he also wanted to reveal that he'd followed a gangster and had taken a half-day tour of the police station with a group of tattooed men, but he no longer dared to speak.

He didn't want to brush off the person's kindly feelings. In the end, Chu Yu only said, "Really? Then I'll try it when I get back."

Uncle Chen didn't notice his low mood and continued, "Madam came home this morning to fetch some important documents and asked where you were so I told her that the young master went out to play with his classmates. Madam left you a message saying she'd be busy for the next few days and won't return home."

Chu Yu fiddled with the colorful candy wrapper, rubbing bits of sugar on his fingertips, he made them sticky and uncomfortable.

He stared blankly then nodded after a while. "Thank you, Uncle Chen."

Uncle Chen advised as usual, "Young master, don't think that the Madam doesn't care about you. Madam is concerned about you, it's just that Sir passed away so abruptly and the pressure fell on Madam's shoulders. When one is busy, it's naturally difficult to take care of their home."

Chu Yu had been hearing these words so much since he was a child that he no longer kept count. He turned away and gazed at the scenery of the streets curtained by the rain outside of the window. After a while, he replied softly, "Yes, I know."

Once home, despite not at all being exposed to the rain, Aunt Lan anxiously pushed Chu Yu into the bathroom to take a bath.

After soaking for a long time, Chu Yu's limbs had softened. He changed and looked at himself in the mirror to find that his hair seemed to have grown a little longer. As well as his nails, which had obviously been trimmed yesterday, seemed to have lengthened again today.

Was he having another growth spurt?

He didn't think much of it as he lay in bed at night and played games. Before going to sleep, he told a story to hypnotize himself and soon drifted off.

In the middle of the night, Chu Yu dreamed that he fell into a volcanic crater. The heat inside his entire body was terrible, like his blood vessels were about to explode.

He also dreamed of that twisted alley covered in dazzling sunlight where Lu Shi turned his head to look at him with his dark brows and icy sharp eyes. The wound on his left arm was still dripping with blood.

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