Chapter 8 💙✨️

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Wrong Confession Time?

          "She was my l-lost- sister-" Myles spoke with difficulty, shocking me

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          "She was my l-lost- sister-" Myles spoke with difficulty, shocking me.

    What?! It is now that my mind clicked, Henna and Myles shared a very similar appearance.

    "Who I just found before she got blood cancer." He uttered, tears escaping his eyes and flowing down his cheek.

       I wiped them away with my thumb through his glasses, I was starting to cry too. He held my waist, pulling me closer to him. 

   Our lower body crashed into each other on our bed. I stared at his ocean blue eyes with my widened brown ones.

        "B-But why didn't she tell me you were his lost brother?" I quietly whispered, questioning.

    "She-She told me she had a bestie, but I told her not to tell you that because she wanted to make me marry you." He looked away, avoiding eye contact.

         I sat there, looking at him with shock. This is so overwhelming. Henna set us together?

    "I told her to- shut up about it but when I found out it was you," He gazed at me, his grip on my waist tightening.

    "I- agreed, j-just when we were about to go to your house she- vomited bl-blood." 

     Myles spoke trying hard to state things normally. A sob erupted from me, I hugged him by wrapping my arms around his shoulders. 

        Oh, my Henna.

    I was crying so hard, hugging Myles tightly just so I could stop this pain in my heart, my throat and my head.

       "Myles, m-my Hyein, she- left me." I wailed, hiccuping. 

    It was only me who was crying, Myles was hurt too but not once did he cry.

           "Myles," I hiccuped, still crying, "wh-why are you not crying?" I questioned, cupping his face with my hands.

    He stared at me, his eyes teary but trying not to cry.

    "He-" I sobbed, "Henna, told me to- cry when I felt like it- because keeping our- emotions in- makes us hurt ourselves-" I sobbed after every two-three words, staring at his blue beautiful ocean orbs.

       He threw his arms around my small back and sobbed.

          His cries held such grief that it made me cry harder. Myles had to stay strong for so long. 

    A person who cries shows how they were strong for so long and then they can't keep their emotions in.

His cries made a bile form in the centre of my throat to cry and to scream but I held myself back, knowing I have to comfort Myles.

    I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

     "It's okay, Myles, I'm here for you," my voice trembled as I spoke because I was trying not to cry to soothe him. "I'm here." I cooed.

"You are safe."
"It's okay."
 "I love you."

  My eyes widened as I realised what I just whispered. Oh, no, it accidentally slipped out! Myles backed away from me, his eyes wide as they stared into my eyes.


    "I-I'm sorry, Myles!" I quickly uttered, backing away and holding my arms up to protect myself.

          No! Now he knows and he will push me and beat me or leave me!

   But I love him, he's so precious to me.

      A sob erupted from my mouth, when I felt him come closer to me.

         "I-I said I'm sorry, Myles!" I felt myself being lifted, I slowly peaked in to see that I'm on his lap now.

    My heart beat that was already beating hard was now demanding to get out of my rib cage.

  The feeling of nauseousness hit me as he is stared at me.

       Wanting to pull myself away, I tried to pull myself out of his grip on my small waist. He's going to beat me now!

           "I love you too." Butterflies spread through my stomach, while I froze as he whispered the words, I looked at him, "Wh- What?" I mumbled in confusion.

     He…loves me? I was fazed, my heart rate was running a marathon. 

        Before I could say anything else, he kissed me. 

        I leaned closer to him, kissing him back.

        He broke away while I leaned into his chest, he rested his chin on my head.

            "You really do?" I looked up at him. He looked hesitant at what I asked.

    "Look, Aurem…" He said as he pulled away from my embrace.

The Butterflies 💙🦋✨Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu