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Chapter 71

    "No, no, no, no!!!"

    Yi Tong retreated tactically, shrinking to the edge of the balcony, shaking.

    "Why why???"

    Nightmare tactically leaned forward, not afraid of falling at all.

    "Because, because, I, I..." Yitong thought of an unassailable reason, "I'm underage!!" "

    ...Underage? You're lying to ghosts, right? You're a big man." Nightmare didn't believe it.

    "Can you talk? Can you!" Yitong patted herself, "You are healthy! How am I not too young? I am only sixteen and a half years old this year!" "Really? You are not lying?"


    Really It's true!" Yi Tong nodded like a pounding garlic.

    Nightmare asked the same question as Dazai: "Then when is your birthday?"

    "October 1st." Yi Tong emphasized again, "October 1st next year."

    ...! Nightmare clutched her heart, and jumped down the stairs hopelessly.

    "Oh my goodness." Yitong lay on the edge of the balcony and looked down, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and Nightmare was nowhere to be seen.



    "Sister Mingnu, elder brother said he is underage." Nightmare aggrievedly "phoned" Mingnu, "What should I do?" "

    Underage... then there is no way, We can only wait." Naruto Chunchun was kind and seductive.

    "Is there that blood ghost technique that can speed up human adulthood?" Nightmare Fly rubbed his hands.

    "There is everything in the dream."

    Nightmare: "..."

    After hanging up the "phone", Nightmare went to drink in a nearby tavern depressedly. It was late at night, when the tavern's business was good.

    There were many people sitting around, and there was a storyteller on the stage: "It was said in the last book that Mr. Xiaolin saved Miss Shangui's life. The two fell in love at first sight, and then fell in love with each other. points.”

    This story caught Nightmare’s attention: Love at first sight? Life-saving grace? He does the same to his elder brother!

    Although the time we spent together was short, the dog licking skills of the eldest brother and the eldest brother saved Nightmare from layoffs several times. If it wasn't for the eldest brother, he would have died countless times.

    The elder brother is full of wise soul, which deeply attracts him!

    The storyteller on the stage continued: "It's been a long time, and Mr. Xiaolin proposed to marry Miss Shangui as his wife. Miss Shangui readily agreed, but unexpectedly, Miss Shangui's vicious stepmother beat the mandarin ducks with a club! Forcibly broke up the Shangui. Miss and Mr. Xiaolin!"

I really Didn't Give UpNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ