1- "He's handsome darling"

172 8 0

? : come on honey you can do it

? : you're almost done ma'am one more push

Rihanna: urghhhh

And suddenly the baby's cry filled the room the mother start to tearing up so happy to be able to held her son and also relived from the pain

? : he's handsome darling

Rihanna: thanks mom , look at him my baby's so cute She said and the kissed him on his forehead

Feeling his mother warmth the baby slowly opened his eyes , he looked up to his mother and that's when they discovered the most beautiful green eyes they had ever seen .

Nurse: ma'am I'm going to put him back in his crib you both need to rest .

She then turned to to Monica

Ma'am I'm sorry but the visits are over your daughter and your grandson both need to rest

Monica smiled at the nurse and then turned to her daughter

Monica: you did an amazing job today I'm proud of you honey

She kissed them both before leaving

The nurse then put the baby back in his crib and the mother and her child both felt asleep as the nurse leaves the room closing the door behind her .

>>>1hour after<<<

Another nurse comes in the room silently she goes over to the crib and looked down to see the baby peacefully sleeping she looks back to the mother who is sleeping and unaware that a woman is now taking her son away from her .

The nurse takes the baby with her and as she leaves we can see the baby's name written on the crib's board ...

Noah Keith Fenty .

>>> 17 years later <<<

The lost sonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt