EP. 2 - The Cunningly Foolish Saiyan

Start from the beginning

He smirked. "How do you plan to help, Princess?"

"As of right now, no one wants to help you except for me, so it will take some time," Miyako admitted. "But, I have this for you. It could be useful."

She held her hand out to reveal a device with a ear piece and a small screen.

"What is this...?" Vegeta accepted it, inspecting it.

"It's a device called a scouter," Miyako replied. "You put it on over one of your ears, and the screen will detect your target's position and battle power."

He seemed to not understand how to put it on.

She gestured for him to lower his head. When he did, she grabbed the scouter and placed it over his ear, setting it in place. She pressed a button to turn it on and stepped back.

"Well? Can you see my battle power?" Miyako asked.

Vegeta was astounded at the yellow marks. A circle formed on the Princess and numbers began to rise. "It says 1500."

"My battle power is 1500," Miyako explained. "Meanwhile, the Tuffles' battle powers range in the hundreds. Sometimes even less."

He took keen notice of this and scanned the two Saiyans behind him. Below 1000.

"I know you must be curious about your battle power," she said. "It's about 2000."

Vegeta turned to her. "You faced me alone knowing I was stronger than you?"

"I'm not alone," Miyako held the Red Jewel in her palm. "But yes. I suppose I took a bit of a gamble on you. Your kind."

He laughed once more. "You really are quite something, Princess."

"I know," she agreed shamelessly. "I hope the device could be useful to you meanwhile. It can help you find those...Kimbit you were mentioning earlier."

"Really?!" the fat Saiyan questioned.

"Yes," she smiled.

"Alright!! Gimme that thing, Chief!!" he demanded.

Vegeta knocked him down. "As if I would let you use this."

"What about me?" the woman pointed to herself.


"You're too cruel, Chief...," she sulked.

Miyako chuckled. "I'll take my leave now," she bowed her head. "Until we meet again, Chief Vegeta."

He turned his attention to her. "Yes," he said. "Until then, Princess Miyako."

She smiled and flew off.

Vegeta stared after her. She was truly something.

"Chiiiiief, I'm hungry!!" the fat Saiyan whined.

He sighed. Life had to be better than this.


That night, Miyako snuck back into her room. All night she tumbled and turned to fall asleep, but her mind continued to drift to Vegeta and the Saiyans.

He is not a bad man, she thought. He is cautious, intelligent, perhaps a bit emotional, but he is not a savage.

Grabbing her by the hair was truly insulting, but she could see how a hurt ego and an insult would lead to anger.

He just needs to be properly civilized, she concluded. He already is articulate. Just some etiquette could do him good. And of course, less violence.

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