"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜
Minho opened the door as soon as he heard the bell ring. The parcel delivery guy was already walking away before Minho could call him.
This time the parcel was pink. A pink box, it was also ribbon tied. Minho took the box and slowly untied it, he finally opened it and the smell hit him.
The smell of rotting flesh. Minho gasped and gagged, he pinched his nose and looked down at the object in the box.
Expect, it wasn't an object, it was a pigeon. It didn't look alive, it was laying still and one of its eyes were missing.
Minho was getting pissed at this. This was the fourth time he had gotten one of these weird parcels.
And they always came with a letter. Minho saw the letter beside the dead pigeon.
He slowly grabbed the letter and read it.
Would you kill for me? Because I would kill for you my darling.
Minho stared at the paper, he slowly shook his head.
Secret admirer? Maybe?
Minho inspected his body, he grinned.
He did have a hot body, he didn't blame whoever this admirer was.
But if they were hot, he'd gladly hook up with them.
Of course, if they didn't send him any more dead animals.
The first parcel was a dead stray dog. Which made Minho really sad.
He loved dogs.
"What's that?"
Minho turned around and saw his older brother, he had a raised eyebrow, "that bastard still sending you things?"
Minho showed his brother the pink box, "it's a dead pigeon this time."
"Oh, ew. Do you wanna throw that?"
"Dude, do you think I'm gonna eat it?" Minho closed the box and headed towards the bin. He opened it and tossed the parcel - except the paper - into the bin and closed it.
Minho tucked the paper into his boxers. He pulled his pants back up and was heading back to his house when he saw two figures approaching them.
Minho was startled, but his heart calmed down when he realized who the figures were.
Minho swallowed, "Mr. Hastings?" He asked.
Ryder handed over his black umbrella to Vinnie, "yes? Where is your Mother?"
"Inside." Minho stated.
When Ryder went inside, Minho turned to Vinnie.
"You okay?" Vinnie asked, looking at Minho's anxious face.
"I don't trust him." Minho quietly said.
"You know Sir?" Vinnie asked, uncertainly.
"Yes, when I saw him, I knew he was that business guy my Mom was doing business with." Minho waved his hands, "I suspect she's being unfaithful to my Dad with him."
"Why so?"
"He cheated on his wife when she was pregnant." Minho started, "with their second baby."
Vinnie looked blank.
"He also cheated with his girlfriend with a maid."
Vinnie sighed.
"I thought you knew this?"
Vinnie nodded, "let's not talk about Sir's business." He stepped into the house and Minho followed him.
"Who's that, Minho?" His Dad came out of the garage and was pointing at Ryder. Who was casually talking to his step mom about business.
"Her partner." Minho said, "probably in bed too."
His Father looked at him and giggled, "honestly, son, you never fail to make me laugh." He looked back at Rose and Ryder, "if she's pissing you off, you know what to do."
Minho cracked his fingers, "you tired of her already?"
His Dad smiled, "I miss being single." He straightened up his coat, "wanna see the progress of our glorious killers?"
Minho excitedly followed his Dad upstairs.
They entered their secret room. His Dad turned on the lights. He walked around the room, then headed straight for the cameras.
The cameras were his favourite parts. When he was bored or annoyed he would come into this room and sit and watch.
The cameras recorded everything from the eye view of the killers.
They had installed a chip into their brain without them knowing.
With the help from a company called "WICKED".
Minho sat down in the chair and stared at the cameras. The first one he picked was Aris'.
He was interested in the boy, not that interested, like in his mindset, the way he thought and behaved.
Something about that boy intrigued him.
Aris wasn't doing anything special right now, he was licking off Nutella out of a jar. Minho chuckled.
He looked to his left at Thomas's viewpoint. The boy was reading a book and was surrounded by plushies.
That looked comfortable.
Newt wasn't doing anything special also, he was warming up a bottle for Blaze and he looked tired.
"They're doing good." His Father said, "they're already serial killers."
"How many kills does Aris have?" Minho asked.
"He's on the lead, it says here 5."
Minho smiled, "proud of him."
His Father looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "been a long time since you've been proud of someone. Expect Goldenlocks." He pointed behind Minho.
Out of the door a dog came barking, jumping into Minho's lap.
Minho stroked his Golden Retriever's fur, "where have you been?" He asked.
Goldenlocks stuck her tongue out, wagging her tail, she rubbed her head against Minho's chest.
"Why don't you go get her something to eat? I'll keep checking the cameras."
Minho nodded, he placed Goldilocks on the floor and headed for the door.
Minho walked down the stairs, he didn't see Ryder or Rose or even Vinnie anywhere but he did see something on the front door.
Minho went to pick it up, it was another parcel.
That was strange, he normally got parcels every day not two times a day.
This time when he opened it, there was a human heart inside it.
And a huge note that said.
I'd rip my heart out for you.
¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜
author's note: sorry that chapter was short, had to leave y'all on a cliffhanger <3