7. Remember, when you're lost in the darkness, look for the light.

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When Wednesday arrived at your room she hesitated, not sure if she should knock or not. It was polite since you had a roommate, and she wasn't sure where Yoko was. Time was of the essence. But then, the door opens to reveal the girl in question.

"Wednesday," Yoko greets. She steps aside as she opens the door a bit wider. Wednesday gave her a nod before stepping in cautiously.

She looks right at the desk and notices a bright orange pumpkin. It had a carved smiley face with its top sat crooked. Wednesday briskly walks over to it, her need to fix it nagging at her. Yet when she spots something inside she pauses in her actions to pull the top off and see a small see through box. Inside was a small spider, Wednesday instantly knew what kind it was just from the tips of its legs.

With a furrowed brow, she reaches inside to grab the box and pull it out. The creature moves only slightly from being handled before it goes still once more.

"I'll leave you to it then." Yoko announced, reminding Wednesday that she wasn't alone. The vampire leaves the dorm room with the door clicking shut behind her.

Wednesday didn't know what to make of this. Why a spider? After she examined it, she noticed the note that sat neatly near the pumpkin. Placing the spider down, she picked up the paper and unfolded it before reading what was on it.

~Hello again! I should probably tell you this now just in case I overwhelm you. Each of your clues will lead you to a gift. As you can tell, I have provided you with a baby Pink Toed Tarantula as the first.

Personally I don't like Spiders, they creep me the hell out. But I know you enjoy them. So here's a new pet to raise since I know Homer is no longer with us.

Now for your second clue, The Moon. Do you remember where we first watched the moon together? I do.~

There was a lot to unpack with this note. First, the gifts. Wednesday wasn't much for gifts, she barely allowed her parents to get her anything. May that be for birthdays or just on special occasions. And yet, here she stood with a baby tarantula, awaiting to be cared for. And second, the fact that you went out to look for a spider, even with your dislike to them, was something entirely in itself. You made yourself uncomfortable to get Wednesday something she's adored since childhood. 

Wednesday looked at the creature then back to the paper, that stirring within her chest began again and the swirl of emotions in her mind started to increase. So this was why you changed the rules. Clearing her throat, Wednesday folded the paper up and stuffed it into her jacket pocket - the leather one - and retrieved her spider.

Spinning on her heel, she walked to the door and let herself out, leaving behind the jack 'o lantern. The answer to your questions was yes, she did know where you first watched the moon together. On her balcony in her room.

And that's where she headed, straight for her dorm.


When she arrived, she found it empty. Enid wasn't there and neither was Thing. She placed the spider on her desk, making a mental note to head to Jericho after this little game of yours to get the necessary means for her new pet.

She walked over to her window, opening Enid's side and slowly stepped out of it. It was still morning, around 10 or so. The sun was hidden behind the clouds that forever encased Nevermore, causing the atmosphere to seem gloomy. It was a perfect day for a date.

Right where you and Wednesday had stood all those nights ago was a small coffee cup. It sat on the stone railing. A note tucked under it. The ravenette walked up to it and grabbed the cup then the note. She was quick to unfold it and read what was on it.

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