Chapter 1: Diplomacy and 2 Kh-22s

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22nd of January 1990, 11:24 pm
The Kremlin

Mikhail Gorbachev could no longer deny it. The Soviet Union was cut off from all other Civilization. He initially highly doubted it, but as evidence from all around the borders continued to mount, he accepted it as a fact.
He asked himself: "What does this mean? How did this situation come to be? Was it made by the Americans?", he speculated.
"It is highly unlikely that the Americans could do such a thing. It would require moving an entire continent, which is why I suggest we simply accept it as it is and leave the question of how for later. What matters now is what the correct path of action is.",
An advisor stated.
"We will first try to establish contact with all nations we can contact. Increase the amount of reconnaissance flights and border patrols."
Gorbachev stated, reasoning that if they were surrounded by the ocean, eventually a ship would find them, and it may or may not be hostile.
He further stated: "Tell the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to analyze our food production, consumption and stockpiles, and develop a rationing plan, should we not have enough."
20 minutes later
"Comrade Gorbachev, we managed to contact the Americans! They claim to be in the same situation as we are. However, we have not managed to contact any other nation from Earth."
"Did they state anything as to their geographic location in this world?"
"Not yet, Comrade Gorbachev. They stated to be "as clueless as you are". However, they claimed that one of their reconnaissance flights near Alaska saw what they believed to be a coastal defence radar, and thus they conclude that they are situated near us. We have contacted all coastal defence radars and one of them confirmed that they picked up what they believed to be an American plane of the "F-14" type at about the same time as the Americans claimed to have launched said aircraft."
"Fine", Gorbachev replied. " Initiate talks with the Americans. As much as we are rivals, we are better off temporarily putting our differences aside. "
A knock on the door, followed by a calm "come in" by Gorbachev, interrupted the conversation between him and his advisors.
Potapov, the Chief of Soviet Naval aviation, appointed in 1988, entered the room, visibly distressed.
"Comrade Gorbachev, we have picked up 2 ships on a coastal defence radar around the former Black Sea Area. When we tried to contact them, they claimed to be from an empire calling itself the "Gra Valkas Empire". They demanded we surrender our entire nation to them."We have sent a surveillance aircraft on its way to verify their identity and type of ships. However, since they seem to have hostile intent, I want to get your permission to use lethal force."
"Permission granted."
These two words, spoken in a cold, calculated tone, sealed the two ships fates.

Meanwhile, in the White House.

"The Russians have confirmed that they are indeed not hostile. They wish to initiate talks for a non-aggression and exchange of information treaty, while also asking what food we can export."
The round table of high ranking politicians began discussing what to do about the Russian question of what food the US could export. To them, the non-aggression and information exchange treaty was a no brainer. Since the two countries could currently only communicate via radio, how to answer was heavily discussed before an answer was sent, in order to minimize misunderstandings. Eventually, after much discussion fueled by abnormal amounts of coffee, at 11:48 pm, 22nd of January 1990, President Bush agreed to the non-aggression and information exchange treaty.

Onboard the Great Atlas heavy Cruiser, in a convoy with the Great Astra, it's sister ship

It had been about 20 minutes since the last contact with the nation that in these waters and called itself the "Union of Socialist Soviet Republics". Although they had no idea what "Отвалите, империалистические свиньи!" meant, they were sure it wasn't friendly, judging by the tone alone.
As Captain Morges was preparing to give his crew a rallying speech, a new transmission from the enemy came in.
It simply said: "You have 10 minutes to turn around and leave our waters. If you do not comply, you will be removed by force."
Captain Morges scuffed. "Nothing more than an empty threat. There is no way they are able to threaten this cruiser convoy."
And he would be correct, if he was fighting any of the navies from the 3rd civilization Area, however he wouldn't be fighting against those. In fact, he would not even be fighting a navy, he would be fighting against naval aviation. But he didn't know that. Nor did he know what a Kh-22 anti ship guided cruise missile could do to a heavy cruiser.
"We are still 50 kilometers away from their coast. There is no naval gun that could reach that far. It is simply not possible. Even the heaviest of naval defense guns would have a range of 15 kilometers at best, while my heavy cruisers guns will be able to fire at ranges up to 19 kilometers at maximum elevation."

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