(Yeah, no introduction, woo. I'm jumping straight into this and figuring it out as we go along cause I'm dumb and dotn want to plan out this fanfic compared to my others. Let me know if there's something specific you want out of this.)


You were watching the streets from the top of a building, seeing people run as fast as they could only to be turned in the end.

'How pathetic.'

You thought. All these people seemed to be doing is drawing more attention from the zombies with their screams. Why couldn't they just die quietly? They're just making it worse for the other survivors with them. You zoomed in with your mini binoculars and saw that a lady dropped a decently large bag of supplies while running for her life.

"...Nobody has any common sense anymore. No wonder they're all dead."

You murmur quietly to yourself as you grab your weapon and stand up, stretching. You had a decent baseball bat, with nails hammered into it. You didn't make it yourself. You found it off of a body of a person that was, unfortunately, killed before they could even have the chance to turn. It was gross peeling the dead flesh off of the handle, but that was just your reality now.

"Welp. Time to go, Flopsy*."

You said to your pet rabbit in your bag, giving him a piece of non-moldy lettuce you miraculously found in the building you were currently on top of. It appears that the power was working here after you had repaired the generator with some copper wire and screws. There was water too, but it was only so much. You tried to get as much water as you could from other sources so that the building didn't eventually run out. You ran down the stairs, being careful with your steps because they were creaky. Even if you were loud, it didn't matter. The zombies were too focused on the other people running.

"How annoying..."

You whispered as you jumped a couple of especially withered stairs. You didn't want to get injured if they broke, and you didn't have medicine to deal with an infection if that happened. You kept going down the stairs until you found the elevator. A couple of zombies were in there, but it was fine. You stayed silent and entered the elevator. The zombies didn't even appear to notice you. It was always like this. For some reason, they just... Didn't attack you. You just didn't appear to pique any zombies interest. You've been bitten once before, but after an hour, nothing happened. After that happened, they all started ignoring you, pretending as if you didn't exist. You enjoyed it that way. You never did find out why you were immune, but if it stops you from being hunted, you were a-ok with that.


*If you get this reference, I love you.

I'm too tired to continue writing, so here yall go. Hopefully, I'll post again soon, but no promises. See yall later.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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