~.✧ twenty-four ✧.~

Start from the beginning

I stared at him for a long moment, unable to come up with anything to say. He'd completely thwarted my planned words and now I was stuck here, not knowing how to respond. The only thing I could think of was "I'm sorry."

For the second time ever, I saw a smile pull across his face, though it wasn't as handsome as it was the first time. This one was much sadder than the first. "I'm not angry at you. I know that love is a very specific and special emotion, one that cannot be forced in any particular direction. I knew almost from the beginning that if we were to ever love each other, it would most likely be difficult and at least a little forced. We're very different, you know, and while that works for some people, I don't believe it could have worked for us."

Again, his words surprised me but I found that he made very good points. I nodded but still added, "I still wish to apologize for not telling you sooner."

"Apology accepted."

I swallowed. "Thank you."

Silence settled between us and I wasn't sure how to dispel it. He didn't seem to, either, until he said, "I believe this is just another reason we could not have worked out the way our parents wished. We're far too awkward together."

I couldn't stop a small laugh from slipping out, his words relaxing the tension floating between us as he acknowledged it. "Yes, our lacking social skills did not help, did they?"

"No, no. They did not." He shook his head, smiling again but with what looked like relief. I wondered if he smiled a lot more than I knew but every time we were around each other, the pressure made it hard for him. For the first time, I wondered if breaking things off between us was not only helping me be happy, but him as well. And, for the first time, I thought of myself possibly coming to like him more.

I stepped forward, taking his hand before I could stop myself. "Ibrin, I do hope that despite this we can still be friends."

"Yes, of course. You are friends with my sister, you know, so it would be even more painfully awkward if we let this come between our own friendship."

"You make a good point."

He nodded, adding, "And I also hope that you are very happy."

"You as well... Find the right girl." I swallowed, smiling. "When you find the right person, it changes everything."

He nodded. "I know. I will."

That felt like the natural end to our conversation so he bowed and I curtsied and I left the Corzavan Estate feeling much lighter than I'd expected.


"Come on!" I said to Gentry with a laugh as I pulled her down the stairs of the castle. "We're going to be late."

"Who's fault is that?"

Chuckling, I slipped my arm through hers as we stepped down the stairs. "I'm sorry I took so long. I just want to look my best for your party."

"It's not my party," she muttered, her face a little warm.

"Oh, hush. It's just as much your party as it is Larklind's. You both joined the nobility which hasn't happened in years!"

I was still ecstatic that both Larklind and Gentry had officially been added to the nobility as of yesterday. And today there was to be a grand party in the back courtyard to celebrate. I'd woken up to the perfect, sunny day with a gentle breeze and the smell of honeysuckle drifting in through my window. My excitement had built from the moment I woke up, through breakfast, and all while Gentry and I were getting ready, both of us in beautiful garden-inspired dresses made particularly for today. Despite knowing how many people would be at this party, I was still excited which stunned me slightly. I was very rarely excited for social events, but I suppose having people like Larklind and Gentry and Ezalie in my life had changed it for the better.

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