"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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Newt was anxiously looking at the ceiling.
He wasn't sharing a room with Thomas anymore. Not after his Dad found out what they were doing yesterday.
Ryder hadn't done anything to Newt, he simply just told him to leave.
Newt knew something bad had happened to Thomas.
Instincts and all that shit. He sighed and rolled over to his side, he couldn't sleep.
Solace and Blaze though, where already fast asleep, curled up next to each other.
Newt really wants to think on what had went on with him and Thomas yesterday.
He really wants to.
But he forces himself to shift the blankets from his body and climb out of the bed.
He needs a glass of water and to piss anyway.
Solace whines but when Newt looks at her, she's fast asleep. But he still wants to check on her.
Newt drapes the blanket, up to her chin, he also pushes some bangs away from her eyes and smiles down at her.
He doesn't need to wear any clothes, since he's already in his Doraemon PJ's. He heads over to the door and slowly opens it.
The cold instantly hits his face, it's awfully dark in the hallway. He walks around blindly, reaching out his hands to the wall before he feels a switch.
He turns the lights on and there's rows and rows of doors stretching forward, he could easily get lost in this house.
Newt pauses when he hears voices in the distance. They're low and fumbled mumbles.
Newt's about to walk downstairs when he looks up and his eyes meet a boy.
The boy walks towards him and it doesn't take Newt long to realize it's Thomas's eldest brother.
"Oh, it's you." He smirked at Newt, "did your dumbass really think you'd get a chance with my brother again?"
Newt didn't say anything, if there was one explanation it was that AJ was obsessed with making his father proud.
"Give up, he's not a faggot, like you."
Newt wants to laugh out loud at the irony, instead he smiles at AJ, "trust me bro, I'm not a fag, your little brother is."
"Shut up," AJ pushes past Newt, purposely hitting his shoulder against Newt's. The blonde watches as AJ disappears into the hallway.
Newt wonders where the bathroom is. He sees a door, unique to the others and he assumes it's the bathroom. He walks up to the door and pauses before opening it.