Chapter 44: The Past

Start from the beginning

"Oh, you'll alarm something." You freeze, slowly turning to face the snobby voice belonging to Peng. Their cunning grin evident as they stare at your pale expression. Nothing is riveting as watching his prey squirm. "How interesting. You managed to slip under my radar." They stalk forward while you're paralyzed. Their gaze unbreaking. "Not many people can do so. I'd say you must be powerful." At the snap of their fingers, a glaive materializes before lunging themselves.

'Move (Y/n)! Move!' You chanted.

On the last millisecond, you dodge then sprint for your life. Peng pursues by flight through the stone corridors. "Try as you might, little pest. You will not escape my grasp." You can hear how much fun they're having by the tone of voice. You elude each strike damn near scathed by the tip. You haven't felt terrified in ages. Why were you running rather than fighting back?

Distracted by your thoughts, you fail to notice you've entered a dead end. The only way out is jumping out from a great height. Alas, a heavy weight pins you to the floor. Your head hanging by the edge as Peng points the blade at your neck. "Awe, it looks like you're cornered. To think I believed you'd put up a fight. How disappointing." They pined.

"Let me go! I didn't do anything." You groaned, writhing in distress.

"Sorry, but any trespassers must pay the consequences." The blade impales your right shoulder. You grunt in pain as Peng observes the torture across your face. There was something seriously wrong with them. You start to panic as the pressure continues to pierce through your flesh. You grab their arm with your left and undergo a psychic connection. You can feel Peng's power-hungry aura. You pour your fear into him in an attempt to neutralize his emotions. Peng staggers back, frightened. It's as though he witnessed a ghost. "W-what was that?" Your silence only aggravates the bird. "Talk, pest!"

He pushes the blade deeper causing you to cry in pain. You can't think. You can't fight. You're a sitting duck. Your abilities are not combative. You've had little training Too focused on your career rather than face the reality that you're never going to have a normal life. The reality crumbles around you as doubt consumes you. You don't understand where all the existencial dread is coming from, or why now?

"Peng!" The bird's name echoes throughout dome. You turn to meet Azure and the others approach. "What is the meaning of this?" Azure started.

"Brothers. I have apprehended an intruder snooping around. I guarantee it's a spy for the Jade Emperor to keep tabs on us. She already overheard our conversation to overthrow them." Peng's explanation is convincing. The way he twisted it around assuming the worst rather than give you a chance to defend yourself.

"N-no." You huffed. "It's not true."

"Then why were you prowling in the shadows?" Peng growled.

"Because I got lost." Your gaze adjusts to Wukong and Macaque, your voice barely above whisper as you plead, "I don't even know how I got here."

"Lies! You reek of nobility. I sensed the origin of your aura. It's like those diplomats that serve the higher-ups." As their anger festers, the more pain he inflicts.

Your wail ignites something within Macaque. "Stop, Peng! You don't need to harm her in order to interrogate her.

"Always naive." They scoffed. "Can't you see if we let them go they will inform the Jade Emperor?" Again they nudge their glaive.

Macaque tightens his fist then tackles him off of you. He kneels at your side to remove the glaive and elevates your torso. "You're alright." You smile weakly as thanks. Regardless of any universe, Macaque's love for you is true. However, his assault does not does not go unpunished.

"You insolent, chimp. You dare question your own brother?" Peng rises to their feet to retrieve their weapon. As they thrust their staff, Wukong steps in between halting their attack mid-way.

"Stop! We can all sort this out together without violence."

"Wukong is right." Azure agreed. "We cannot assume anything until we know for certain who she is."


"Peng, you should have brought this to our attention first." Azure reprimanded.

"You probably did it for your own self-indulgence." Macaque commented earning a scowl from Peng.

"You're not off the hook either, bud." Wukong crossed his arms like a disapproving father.

"You're suppose to expect us to sit back while they do away with her?" Macaque clicks his tongue in distaste.

"No, of course not. I meant we could have all handled the situation differently."

"Please..." You mumbled. "...don't fight. It was...a misunder...standing." You black out. You're too exhausted to stay conscious.

"We must quickly aid the girl." Yellow Tusk advised.

With a sour attitude, Macaque asks, "permission to carry the injured to medical?" He didn't bother to wait for an answer.

Wukong sighs heavily, "what do we do?"

"Why ask me? You're the leader now." Azure reminded. "Although, if it's advice you seek, we should interview her as soon as she wakes up. Treat them like a guest until they show their true colors."

"A guest? Next he'll ask the girl to join in our endeavors." Bull King said. The idea wouldn't be bad. If Peng is wrong, it would mean they harmed an innocent bystander. If they are right, they could persuade you to join and rebel against the Jade Emperor. It would be quite an asset to have a mole on the inside.

"You might be onto something D.B.K." Wukong pats the bull on his back then trots off.

"Wait, what is that supposed to mean?"

(A/N): Short chapter but I wanted to keep it small and intriguing to post and give you guys a heads up that it's time for Macaque's time to shine in this and the upcoming chapters. The show may be about Wukong which does make it difficult to intergrate Reader with Macaque. Thankfully I had this chapter planned for the Macaque fans. I'm excited to add fluff between those two. As for what is happening to the Reader is a whole separate thing. Find out on the next Dragon Ball GT-err I mean chapter xD

Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now