Chapter three: The Beginning, Kidnapping.

Start from the beginning

With the noise from the table room hearing a card dealer shout 'Winner!' Rather loudly. Aiden glanced over and frowned in displeasure but he didn't dare say anything. The guy who demanded his payout scared him, something on the guy screamed danger.. maybe it was his emotionless look or the aura he gave off. Aiden knew what shady-no, that wasn't it creepy vibes he gave up. The black-haired man gave off sinister vibes that reminded him of Hunter his ex. He was crazy! He knew was crazy energy felt like and that man gave off the vibe to run and don't look back. His ability to see ghosts and feel people's auras of their souls often came in handy at times like this. It did make him extra sensitive to his surroundings though, but he didn't mind most of the time.

He looked back at his phone and gave a quick text to his friends. Finding out one was in the same room as the man, he swallowed nervously and slipped into it to go find out which table his friend was at.

'Please don't let him see me.. please don't let him see me....' Aiden thought as he moved past Jason's table. His eyes darted back and forth not trying to make eye contact with him but failed to meet the man's icy dark navy grey-blue eyes that were full of ill intent. He quickly shuffled his way to his friend to try and shake off the rising fear and panic in his mind and chest.

****************Jason's POV**************

The dealer placed money on the table for Jason as Aiden passed by. He watched the money for a moment then noticed Aiden. He had a smaller body frame, blackish-dark brown hair, greenish-blue eyes, and pale white skin. He was perfect, Jason could already imagine torturing him for days until he dies and then dismembering him for his delight. He watched  Aiden closely to see where he'd go. Their eyes meeting for a moment only made him want the chase more, he knew he had to have him. It was like he said 'Yes' with his eyes before looking away and rushing off to a nearby table.

The money dealer finished counting out the big pile of money and said. "There you go, sir! Congratulations! Once again!! You've won 2,385 times now! We hope to see you playing again soon at Many Rivers Casino!! Thank you!" He smiled fakely at Jason as he spoke. After all, it was their job to 'treat the customer with respect no matter the case'.

Jason scoffed as grabbed the money counted it and then tucked it away in his already full black leather wallet.  He went over to the close by the bar and watched Aiden as he talked to his friends. He enjoyed watching people if he thought they were interesting. Especially if he planned on kidnapping them, that was all part of the game. A fun chase for him. He ordered a dry whiskey neat. He already knew tonight would be fun.

****************Aiden's POV**************

Aiden glanced back, feeling on edge before he found his friend, Seth. It was just in time to hear that his friend had won.
"Winner!! Congratulations! To the gentleman in the corner!!" The dealer at the table said congratulating Seth for winning. His hazel eyes shined with excitement. He never won usually anything. He celebrated by saying "Yes!" Under his breath as he smiled at Aidens sudden arrival.

"Cash out.. now. Please." Aiden ordered softly trying to not show he was fighting internally to not panic. He was chewing his lip, he couldn't help it when his anxiety started to climb. His fingers fidgeted with his jacket sleeves gripping them in frustration and nervousness.

This wasn't unusual behavior for Aiden. Seth knew he had panic attacks and problems with being in public, he knew he probably had enough today and wanted to go home. Seth did it without question. The other male grabbed his winning ticket from the dealer and stood up, he was taller than Aiden...but a little shorter than Jason.
"Ai?" The nickname he had given Aiden many years ago. "What's wrong?" He asked out, scanning the room as he wrapped an arm around Aiden as they walked; hoping to help calm him down and make him feel less alone. They started to walk away, and his pace calmed as they headed to the exit.
"Nothing...I just really want to leave...quickly.." Aiden said and stumbled a little bit but remained close enough Seth caught him as they walked. He couldn't help but glance back at Jason to see if he was still being watched.

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