Infiltrator's hunt

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3rd pov

Infiltrator was currently on a rooftop torwards the edge of an abandoned city. She had been given a mission from one of the other ringleaders to retrieve a hacked t-doll commando.

They apparently had a virus in one of g&k's factories for quite a while just waiting for the right t-doll to be made so they could inject it into said t-doll.

Their plans were to study the t-doll and find out their strengths and weaknesses to better counteract other commandos better. Along with a couple other less important things before eventually sending them out on sangvis missions to either destroy g&k bases or gather intel.

But most importantly, they wanted to see if there virus would actually work. G&k have some serious cyber security and hacking t-dolls just isn't possible, the only way to do it is to insert the virus while the t-dolls systems are being installed which is incredibly hard. The virus has to make it past the factories cyber security which while significantly less secure still very secure then into the t-doll which is the easy part, then the hardest part, making the virus powerful enough to get past the t-dolls defenses yet fast enough to take over the system before it completly wipes the doll and turns it into a bunch of scrap metal. The system wipe irreparably destroys the brain of the doll though the mind and memories are saved to specific servers off base before and after every mission so dying won't end a t-doll.

Atleast that's what she was told. Eitherway she was here to watch the base and recover the t-doll IF it wasn't a brain dead scrap pile and from the explosion she just saw through the high powered scope of her silenced Mk 12 rifle it was most definatly not brain dead. This was only confirmed when she saw the t-doll from the picture they showed her jump from the hole the explosion made and burn through the fence before running into the abandoned city she was in.

A couple minutes later just watching the t-doll to make sure it wasn't going to shoot her the moment she showed herself she intercepted a transmission from the base. Said transmission were orders to 3 assault teams to hunt down the rouge t-doll, now this could be some fun.

Before she began to hunt the t-doll squads she first needed to know what shizuku was going to do, she knew her name because she was given the schematics for her design, and from what she could see, she was headed towards a building she could snipe from... good enough.

She intercepted and jammed all transmissions from and to the 3 teams and began hunting.

From what she could see, the 3 teams each consisted of 4 t-dolls and all three teams were separated probably to search a larger area, all the better for her.

First she went after the team closest to her, the left most team. They were very obviously inexperienced, walking in the middle of the road out in the open, they do know this is sangvis territory dont they? Sure they pulled out most of their dolls for this operation but this was usually filled with sangvis dolls.

Her first shot came from her Mk 12 straight into the eye of the leading t-doll  out the back of the head and into the left arm of the t-doll behind her. One dead, one with significantly worse aim.

Upon this the other t-dolls rushed behind cover, one of witch infuriated her. If their training was anything like hers then it would make it VERY obvious to make sure your enemy CANT see your head through the cars window. That t-doll died seconds later.

The last two hid in different spots, one behind another car the other in a nearby alleyway. He one behind the car was easily dealt with via a few well placed shots through the car doors, if your hiding behind a car do it either infront of the engine block or behind the steel frame of the car, NOT behind two thin car doors.

The final t-doll was smart and stayed in the ally without even peaking out. Unfortunately for the t-doll, that particular ally was a dead end. They were easily dealt with by simply jumping from building to building before shooting her from above, she obviously didn't expect that.

She quickly moved to the next squad and deciding sniping was too easy, she put away her Mk 12 and pulled out her vector, said vector had a drum mag for 75 rounds per mag, Armor Piercing  rounds, suppressor, and holographic sight. While her Mk 12 was meant for medium to long range scouting and attacking, her vector was for close range engagements with multiple enemies. Her primary purpose was to infiltrate g&k bases and either destroy them or gather intel and a close range weapon was paramount.

Once she got behind the second squad she rushed the rear member and quickly put thirteen bullets to the back of her head, one second down. Quickly she turned to the right and sprayed seventeen rounds into the right dolls upper back up to the back of her head, she had a shotgun and was the most threatening at close range. A second and a half gone for a total of about three seconds to take down half the squad. She quickly turned and vaulted over the engine of a nearby car and hid behind it.

While under fire from the two last dolls she noticed shizuku try and contact the squad she hadn't got to yet so she allowed them to communicate, all the while listening in.

Once the t-dolls ran out of ammo and had to reload she peaked and sprayed before quickly hiding again, half a second of time gone, six bullets left her guns barrel, five found their way into the left most t-dolls chest, one through the wall behind them. Quickly she ran to the other side of the car and peaked again one second later twelve rounds in the right most t-doll, both t-dolls on the ground. The whole engagement cost 48 bullets with 27 left and only took about 40 seconds with most of it being waiting for the last two t-dolls to reload.

She noticed one t-doll, the one on the left, was still alive, if barely with 5 holes in her chest. So she reloaded her gun, putting the mostly empty mag in a in the place the new mag was originally held, before putting away her gun and pulling out her combat knife and walking over to the last t-doll. Said doll only gave her a glare as she finished her off with a stab to the face.

The last squad wasn't far so she just decided to jog there. On the way she was about to note about how shizuku noticed her moving torwards the remaining squad before shizuku's voice changed, it became deeper and almost demonic, THAT wasn't in the schematics, THAT was a red flag, not exactly a good thing, that virus might have had some side effects.

Either way, she had a mission to do and she was going to do it. Quickly she noticed and slight bang in the distance, and assumed it was shizuku's anti-material rifle, even if it had a suppressor, an anti-material rifle can't really be silent and shizuku definatly wasn't built for stealth.

Once she reached the last squad she was immediately met with a very obviously panicked t-doll, said doll was promptly ripped in half. She may have been built for speed and agility and lacked most of the strength and durability a ringleader is known for, she was still a ringleader and so was still overly strong.

The last t-doll tried to run but quickly had it leg shot off. This was enough evidence for her to guess that the virus sangvus made worked so she quickly finished off the t-doll and sprinted for the building shizuku was at, upon reaching the roof, the dumbfounded look on shuzuku was quite amusing. And the sudden change of emotions didn't surprise me, the assistant she had was in her schematics.


Infultrator: I am codename: Infiltrator, Model: ringleader


Infiltrator: "you, I am to take you back to base for inspection and integration, along with restocking and repairs if needed."


This chapter is actually a good amount longer than the ones I usually make so enjoy i guess, also one of my first fight scenes so tell how you feel about it.

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