4. Tryna get a hold of my emotions.

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You still hadn't been able to talk to Wednesday after your night on the balcony. It's been exactly a week and neither of you have seen the other. Your classes demanded your attention while Wednesday and Thing were always off doing whatever it was Wednesday and Thing does. You wouldn't push, you hated pushy people so you refused to be one. If Wednesday was ready to talk about it then she'd come to you, at least that's how you thought of it.

Space Girl by Frances Forever played through your headphone speakers as you etch the answer to your problem on the paper before you. Yoko and Divina were curled up on Yoko's bed with your laptop in their lap watching a movie.

Yoko and Divina started dating officially a few days ago so your assumptions to that were right. Enid and Bianca were surprised but extremely supportive. 

Suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders and then a cheek pressed against yours from the right side.

You knew by the fruity scent that it was Enid, and with the way her cheek pressed against yours you were engulfed with a sated feeling. You gasp and push back on Enid's chest before removing your headphones, she removes herself from your back and is sporting a wide grin.

"Enid Sinclair, did you just-"


"With Ajax?" you asked. She rolls her eyes.

"No, with Xavier." she deadpans. "Yes with Ajax!"

You get up and she quickly grabs your hands as a giddy feeling overwhelms you and all you could think about was how happy Enid was. Yoko and Divina look over like you were both insane.

"What's going on?" Yoko asked as she paused the movie.

You turn to her, a huge smile upon your face, and say, "Our little Enid isn't so little anymore."


Enid uses her hands to cup around her mouth and starts to sing. "I just had sex!" 

"And it felt so good!" you follow up and sing after her.

"I let a man put his pe-!"

You quickly put your hand over her mouth so you could lean over and laugh at that last part, Enid leaning on your back to laugh along with you. Yoko clearly was not amused by your antics yet Divina was giggling from next to her girlfriend.

"I'm so done with you two, I swear. I'm done."

After you and Enid calmed down, she sat the both of you on your bed so you could gossip about it. Yoko and Divina turned their attention to you both so they could listen.

"So, give us the deets." you say. Enid had her knee pressed to yours as she kept a hold of your hands. Her emotions were nothing but giddiness and pure enthusiasm. It was almost overwhelming because it kept being pumped into you the longer she touched you. 

"He was so sweet, he made sure I was okay the whole time. Kept asking me if he was hurting me." Enid sighs, it comes out dreamily.

"Now that's a gentleman," Divina states.

"Damn right, he better take care of our girl." Yoko added.

You look into Enid's eyes and raise your eyebrows. "Did you use protection?"

"Yes," Enid says with a giggle. "I don't think I'm ready to tell my mom about an unplanned baby."

"I don't know, a little Enid scurrying around here would be cute." Yoko muses.

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