"Oh sorry, I'm a big fan of your" I admit

"Oh you are?" He said smirking

I nod

"Every since you beat borgov and won U.S champion." I said

"Wow that seems like forever ago."

"I was wondering if I could take some photos." I said holding up my camera a little bit

He gives me a confused look. "I work for chess review as photojournalism." I said taking out my card that Townes had also given me

He take it.

"A little young." He said

"Well weren't you 8 when you became a chess prodigy." I said

"You got me there. Alright where at." He said

I point him over to a staircase. He goes over and I begin to take photos.

"Benny watts." A man said walking over to Benny

"Huge fan, dude." He said

"Oh thank you, I appreciate it." He said shaking the man hand

"And you are?" The man turns to me

I recognized the man to be Sizemore. A man from my sister first match who she beat. She told me how he kept brushing his fucking gel hair

I pull the camera away from my face.

"Y/n Harmon, I work for chess review" I said giving his a small smile

"Don't you have to like know chess to do that?" He asked looking at me like I was stupid

"Well yes, but I-" he cuts me off

"Yeah I figured, girls don't know chess to busy painting their nails." He said laughing looking over at Benny

My blood boiling the moment those words left him mouth.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

Sizemore looked at me "oh c'mon I was only joking. Don't be dramatic." He said rolling his eyes

Benny was about to say something but before he could I was already speaking

"I'm not being dramatic. And I know you were only joking because last time I checked my sister beat you in a heartbeat when she was unrated." I said walking closer to him

"Next's time you say something stupid. Remember the time where a 13 year old girl played you at your own game." I said I turn to Benny.

"Mr.Watts it was really nice meeting you." I said with a smile I turn to sizemore and dropped my smile

"As for you well I have other words." I said giving a disgusted look and looking him up and down. And beginning to walk away but before I left I said

"Oh and before I leave I suggest you start using less gel your hair looks like a fucking grease bar." I said bumping in to him on purpose before walking upstairs


I was taking pictures of Beth and other players. I finish walking over to watch Beth

"Hi mom." I said

"Oh hi, dear." She said as we watch as the man put his queen down

"What is he doing?" She asked me

"He resigning, any time they put their queen down. Means that he or she loses. When none do and they both shake hands that mean that it's a draw." I explained to her as the crowd spreads out everyone going their separate ways

As Beth walks up to us

"It's so much more exciting than I imagined." Mom said to Beth

"Did you watch the whole game?" Beth asked

"Of course." Mom said

"Beth. Y/n" we turn to see Matt and Mike walking up to us

"When he brought out his rook, then took that pawn... I thought you were done for. I should have known better." Matt said

"Yes, you should have." Beth said

"Elizabeth, y/n, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" Mom asked

"Sorry." Beth said

"Matt, Mike, this is are mom." I said

"Mike, nice to meet you." He said shaking mom hand

"Nice to meet you."

"And I'm Matt." Shaking mom's hand to

"Mm. A pleasure."

"Nice to meet you."

"Well, I don't know about you young people,
but I'm famished." Mom said

"There's a restaurant in the hotel lobby." Mike said

"Mm. Show us the way?" Mom asked

"Sure." They said walking a head of us

"I can't make up my mind which one is more handsome." Mom said

"Neither" I said making Beth chuckle

We sat down and started eating dinner.

"I'd like to play in the US Open." Beth said

"You might win it." Mike said

"Would that lead to playing abroad? In Europe, I mean?" Mom asked taking a puff of her cigarette

"No reason why not. They have to know you
before they invite you." Mike said

"Would winning the Open make them know about me?" Beth asked

"Hell yes! Benny Watts plays in Europe all the time now that he has his international title." Matt said

"Oh benny watts." Mom said

"Oh you know about him." Mike said

"Y/n has a crush on him." Beth said

"Beth!" I said put my head down on the table while the twin laughs

"It's okay, a lot of people have a crush on Benny watts." Matt said

"He's Benny watts. After all." Matt said

"Well, aside from y/n crush, How's the prize money?" Mom asked

"Pretty good, I think." Matt said

"Hm? What's pretty good?" Mom asked after all she was really only in it for the money

"More than in the States." Matt said

"What about Russia?" Beth blurted out, the twins exchanged looks

"The Soviets are murder. They eat Americans for breakfast there." Mike said

"I don't think there's been an American
with a prayer against them in 20 years. It's like ballet. They pay people to play chess." Matt said

Mom looks over at Beth,

"We should probably go. We don't wanna be late. This one's for all the marbles. Five hundred of them to be exact." Mom said taking one last puff of her cigarette before killing it

I was taking pictures of the final match for Cincinnati.

"And that's check." Matt said

"And that's mate." I said

And we begin clapping

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