Something Wrong - Chapter Two

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The scenery changed from beautiful to dark and gruesome to Jamie and he gulped in fear. He looked at his mom, who saw nothing wrong with the world around them, maybe it was just in his head. The drive was long and boring but they didn't speak until they reached the house.

"Jamie-" His mother started.

"I know mom. Homework and chores. Like usual." Jamie interrupted as he got out of the car. 

Jamie headed into the house as his mother pulled out of the driveway, she had to work two jobs to make ends meet and he had been secretly earning money for food.

She had left money on the counter for him to order pizza for delivery and he always felt awful about using it but he knew she did it because she wanted him to eat. He grabbed the money and the phone and ordered a pizza and the person knew his voice well as he was the main caller at this point.

"We'll have that pizza done and delivered shortly sir." The girl on the other end said sadly.

"Thanks. Same delivery person I'm guessing?" Jamie asked as he always did.

"Actually not today. He was sick so someone else is taking over the delivery" She responded.

Jamie was shocked, this was something new, something was different today instead of being the same, maybe he'll make a new friend today. He waited at the door and the girl from the phone was standing there holding his pizza but to his shock it was Rose, the most beautiful girl in his school.

"Rose- you work at the pizza place? Why?" He asked confused.

"Well, I have to buy my own things. And I wanted to make friends" she confessed shyly.

"Yeah, but you, at a fast food type joint?" He puzzled.

Rose shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal and set the pizza on his table, he figured out she volunteered to take the pizza in her own car as her shift had ended. He sat down and offered her some, feeling bad she was wanting to keep him company. She however didn't feel bad about it at all, she knew what his supposed best friend had been saying behind his back.

"Rose, you don't have to pretend to want to be around me.." Jamie said looking down.

"Who said I was pretending? I genuinely want to be around you because everyone needs a good friend" she said back.

He looked up confused on why she said that last part but he couldn't find the words to ask.

"Your best friend... He... He's been talking badly about you at school when you leave. Some of us hate him for it, Jackson, Yuri, me, and two others." Rose confessed again, this time sadly.

"Jackson? The schools most popular jock and Yuri the head cheerleader?" Jamie asked.

Rose simply nodded a yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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