3. Didn't care for anyone until there was you.

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Everything seemed to go back to normal after your little slip up. Wednesday didn't treat you any differently, though you noticed she hung around you alot more. Which was why you found your back slammed against the stonewall of the academy. Xavier standing over you.

"What the fuck is your issue?" you push off the wall and stare up at him. You could feel a rush of hatred. It hit you so hard that it made you nauseous.

"You need to stop hanging out with Wednesday." he snaps. You just laugh, hand over your head as you try to blink away the large rush of emotion.

"You really think you have the right to tell her who she can or can't hang out with?" you look up at him and see the hate meshed with jealousy. "You're not dating, so get it through your thick skull."

You press the side of your head with your pointer and middle fingers as you say this before pushing past him and walking away.

You don't get far, however, as his large hand grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. His fist then connects with your jaw.

You see stars and are shoved to the ground.

"What the fuck!?" you hold your chin and look up at him, the pain throbbing so bad that it travels to your head.

"Stay the fuck away from her, Y/n. Or next time-"

"Or what Xavier?" you spat, pushing yourself up to get in his face. "What are you going to do?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa,"

Ajax was the one to find you, thank god it wasn't a teacher. He got in between you two and pushed Xavier back while pressing a hand to your chest.

"What's going on?" he asked. He saw the red mark on your chin and quickly looked up at his friend. You didn't stick around, you just turned on your heel and walked away from the boys.

"You better fucking listen to me, Y/n!" he shouted. You just shoot him the finger before you disappear behind a pillar.

You were so mad that you didn't know how to feel. Your body was shaking as you pushed forward in a half run, arms keeping your blazer wrapped tightly around you.

Yoko was sitting on her bed with Divina, both of them staring at her phone when you busted inside. You don't see them so you slam the door and quickly punch the wood with so much force that it rattles under your knuckles.

"I should have punched him in his stupid fucking face!" you pick your fist up off the door and slam it against it once more, the pain spreading through your fist causing you to stop.

"Y/n?!" Yoko calls out and comes rushing over to see if you were okay, Divina behind her. "What's going on?"

You stand there with your forehead against the door and start to breathe heavily, his words hitting you as you try to push back the tears that welled up. You were so angry you were about to cry.

"Should I go?" you hear Divina say to Yoko.

You sniffle and push off the door, walking over to your desk and grabbing your headphones. You sit down and place them on, not wanting to talk to anyone. And the sound of Fireflies by Owl City plays in your ears.

"I'll text you," Yoko told Divina as she led her to the door. "I don't think she's okay,"

She stops and Divina furrows her brows when she sees Yoko sniff the air.

"She's bleeding."

Divina nodded in understanding and reached in to hug the vampire. Yoko was quick to accept it and return it in kind.

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