Chapter 1

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Hello everyone this is my first story so forgive me if there are any mistakes. Since English is not my first language there might be grammatical mistakes. I will try editing as much as I can. Now enjoy .



🌼 Emilia's POV 🌼

Living a life is harder than dieing . My life is fucked up . I don't even remember since when I am prisoned here . I saw mark coming towards me . I was thirsty . Last time i drank or ate sonething was somewhere like a week ago.

"Ca-an-n I get some water " I asked him in a mere whisper.




"You little slut , don't think that I don't know what you want just because I gave you food yesterday doesn't mean that I'll give you whatever you want "

" Don't forget that I picked you up from the street or else you would have died by now " he said while giving a final kick before going back .

I went to the corner which had just a brick sized hole where my heaven lies . The sky is so beautiful with the half moon surrounded by shining stars.

I turn to the door only to see mark coming again but with the leather belt that has his name engraved in it.
Flashbacks starts coming to me .

Flashback :

' You bitch who gave you the permission to come up ' he said while pulling me by my hair and throwing in the room again . He took his belt out . " No p-pl-ease don't hit me , I won't come up again " I begged him but tears won't come out . I knew if I cry then it is my end , he loves to see me cry and if I cry he hits me more . He loves to see me in tears . This belt has his name engraved so whenever he hits his name prints on my body .

Flashback ends

" This way you won't ever forget things "he said. Before I could process things around me I felt the belt on my arm. I didn't felt the pain as I was used to it instead I felt pleasure. I closed my eyes shut to have more hits but nothing came . As I was about to open my eyes .



it's the voice of gun . I heared it one from above when Mark was shooting someone. But right now I had to hide . I hid near the washbasin as it was really dark . No one could notice without having ulter concentration.

A hand wrapped around me . " Honey open your eyes your safe now " said a male voice . " You can trust us , your safe " said another voice . I slowly opened my eyes to see two muscular people . " Let's get you out of here" said the second one with blond hair .

I was walking slow incase mark comes back to hit me for going up. But to my suprise he is lying on the floor covered with blood . I quickly turned and went with those guys . They were giving me strange good vibes


" Do you know your name , age or anything about yourself " said the person in front of me ."n-no-o" I said fearfully. He gave me food and water in front of me . "why aren't you eating anything dear aren't you hungry eat a little you'll fell better ." He said . I looked at the clock in a minute it will be 8 and I can starts eating .
Click .
It's 8 . I started eating as fast as I can and asked for more food . They gave me much food . I saw the clock again it's 9. I stopped eating. " Are you full why did you stop eating " said the man with black hair ."I-i can eat mor-r-e??" I asked him . He gave me an assuring smile and I started eating until I was full. " Done , now you can sleep there on couch your family will arrive tomorrow" said the black haired .
"Family-y" I asked ." Yeah you might not remember but you are the long lost daughter of Mazzini family. You were lost for almost 10 years . We did DNA test and it's matching 100% .

They say with me for some time and then left . I went and layed down on the couch . I hope they will be better . I would be grateful if they give me food regularly .





How is the story I know it may appear cliche but please bear a little . The chapter will be long later I wrote this when I was 14 so... sorry .

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